I just wanted to touch base, this being the first day off the
Master-Cleanse (ie. so much OJ, it's not funny!)
This has by far been the best and easiest cleansing program I've ever done, and believe me, I've done a few!
I've had energy the whole time, I've lost 5kg (around 12 pounds), and even after 10 days of nothing else, the lemonade tasted great to the last drop!
I feel very much ready to eat again. I've noticed that my sense of smell has returned with a vengeance today- the Thai restaurant next door smells absolutely amazing, and I'm starting to feel actual hunger (I had pangs of emptiness throughout the MC, but it wasn't real hunger). This just shows me how important it is to actually break the fast properly.
Thanks to everyone for being here- it's been great to log on regularly while I've been doing the cleanse to see where everyone is at.
All the best to everyone in their quest for health and healing!