b_ _ _ purchased guillotines from france years ago and shipped into ALL American cities-----then hollywood agreed to make no guillotine movies based on the theory kids no longer fear guns, so do not raise them on guillotines so that when the cities roll them out "french" style---the kids will still be petrified when the heads roll...
The men that warned the planet were mostly born in 1907, the children of world war 1 that as men---preached to the world that the "ORGANIZED", licensed professionals are not humans at all. The organized worldly ones developed world war 1 starting in 1895 and that war never slowed down and the needle became the weapon of choice in 1917 and the jets took to the skies in 1949 and have never stopped spraying people world wide as if they were unwanted bugs.
Many believe these evil ones are 1/2 breed aliens taking over the world and their goal is death to all humans..these creatures all share a common thing---they have under ground city passes and they call their humans on top---Their Pastured humans. Today they herd humans all over earth.
France 100+ years ago chopped off over 10,000 heads in 1 setting--so drs asked if they could experiment with their heads......they trained the victims to communicate by blinking their eyes and discovered the body-less head could blink when asked questions for up to 15 minutes..
Hollywood wants kids to believe death is swift and fast-----while medical proves humans are difficult to kill.....in fact, even the dead children still haunt the hospitals long after they were killed. When you enter alive and are returned dead---remember 1 thing--after they killed you, do not go to the dead children-----world wide many believe the voices of children are how innocent people are lured into the deserts / woods and then are never seen again....even in the USA, thousands upon thousands of people enter woods and are never seen again---Alaska famous for the missing and many refuse to enter state parks after dark on the east coast...today, gov buys large tracks of woods in the west and forbid humans to enter..
the world is far crazier than the news admits due to the fact world war 1 never even slowed down and humans are what could be on the menu for aliens.....and the paranormal creatures world wide are more active than ever before.....
Today, a normal human has a fair chance of seeing a paranormal monster or alien encounter that changes their life forever.. Once the needle enters---no human ever knows what they are the rest of their life, because every needle has the unknown within....when they must freeze the contents to minus 100 degrees, YOU KNOW THE CONTENTS "LIVE" and once warm---she multiplies. She communicates with 6G wifi enables humans to obey like a hive of worker bees.