Pumping out units, aka forcing innocent beings against their will, without their permission/consent, into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of: misery, suffering, struggling, taxes, ‘insurances’, bills, rent, forced draft if you are a male, regulations, usury, famine, hunger, bullying, greed, toil, betrayals, confrontations, struggling, pressure, ‘targets’ to achieve, violence, decadence, despair, anxiety, persecutions, tribulations, mental/physical torture, slavery, kidnappings, gaslighting, poverty, terrorism, nepotism, humiliation, oppression, decay, genocides, democides, extortion, terror, exploitation, discrimination, abuse, terrorists wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties pretending to be your gods/saviours/friends, pain, birth defects, rejection, conflict, hate, imperialism, racism, envy, jealousy, brutality, crime, corruption, cancers/diseases/physical/mental degeneration caused by the poisoned air/food/water and finally DEATH, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, irresponsibility, hope syndrome complex, hopium addiction, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome, needing a retirement plan. Stop being a sadist, sadomasochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉
From the cradle to the grave men/women/children are beset by pain and suffering in all their forms.
Any argument for the positive value of suffering goes out the window when you experience unbearable pain. And the last thing you care about is ‘character development’. Unpleasant facts don't work on normies/breeditos. That's the bitter truth. It doesn't help to be polite and kind. Those who have decided to buy into the narrative are immune to facts and logic.
Breediots are a death cult. Creating more death (and misery/suffering/’needs’) with every pump.
Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less:
Sandy Hook Summary:
If you ever wondered, children are future: DEAD rotting bodies in the cemeteries, pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex’ life long clients/victims, losers, prison/military industrial complex clients/victims, fascists, satanists, totalitarian single digit IQ nobodies, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, toxic drug dealers I mean ‘doctors’ for big pHARMa, lawyers/judges who deny us justice, accountants/tax collectors who rob us, uniformed people who ticket/harass you for no reason, teachers/news anchors who brainwash/indoctrinate everybody with totally retarded/nonsensical/idiotic LIES pretending to be your benevolent parents, ‘law’ makers, inventors of more toxic chemicals contaminating everything you eat/drink/inhale/wear/rub on your body/live in/use/enjoy/spray on yourself and in the air, religious freaks wearing funny clothing and head coverings spreading ‘peace’, modern brown shirt members, prostitutes/escorts/sugar babies, sugar daddies/sugar mamas, female rapists, pimps, health forum users trying to figure out what they have 100s of health symptoms and how to recover from them, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, starving people, broke(n)/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen/hitwomen/assassins, murderers, witches/warlocks who curse others, murderers wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties, control freaks, power tripping psychopaths in positions of ‘authority’, abused people, abusers/users, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, alcoholics, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied people, torturers, tortured people, mentally and physically handicapped people, orphans, psychopaths, sociopaths, serial killers, victims of organ harvesting and human trafficking, single mother victims, permanent residents of hell, dead soldiers, racist group gang members, prostitutes, residents of hell, debt slaves, suckers to participate in the rat race that enables the world wide criminal syndicate(royalty, bankers etc.) to stay rich and become richer.
Not ONE person unfortunate enough to be born escapes suffering or causing suffering. Sentient life is a construct of the most unimaginable, incomprehensible evil there is. To reproduce is the most vile, immoral crime/sin possible. Try asking people why they wanna have kids and I guarantee none of those reasons have the child's wellbeing in mind. ALL of the reasons are for the parent's own fulfillment.