just plain old salt in a neti pot would help. one could add a drop of SSKI in the next batch. and add with each subsequent time until you find the sweet spot. that has to help.
three main things about cancer that i know.
one, it starts by infusing your flesh with defective oils in the diet. seed oils ARE whats killing us. but its already baked into your cake. with a two year half-life, it will take ten years of active avoidance and only ingesting animal fats (from red meat, not seed oil infused flesh of chickens and pigs). never too late to start or bump up your game.
two, your clean blood circulating freely is key. moving. sweating. sunshine. and anything else that can boost your immune system. take your cod liver oil.
and three, flood your body with oxygen. i love my ozone machine. you can drink ozone water, infuse ozone, do an ozone sauna, and even breathe ozonated turpines right up the nostrils by bubbling ozone through olive oil. promolife can set you up with all of that. i would get their ozonated oils to use in the nostrils, too. you wont smell anything but ozone but its better than never being able to smell anything at all.
of course stay hydrated which means limiting or cutting out alcohol, sugar (which feeds cancer, too) etc, until you get a handle on it. a water fast should not be out of the question.
last advice - doctors will kill you. use them for info, not for treatment.