They say:
1. Brain is 1/2 lecithin
2. The nerves are surrounded / Insulated with lecithin
3. the circulation flows on a lecithin / zero friction highway
A COW never eats FAT, yet makes FAT
There are herbs that are rich in herb lecithin
The KEYS to SUCCESS are very simple: LIKE dissolves LIKE
If anyone understands LIKE dissolves LIKE, they can understand gallstones. They can understand how to keep their brain soft, their arteries soft, their heart nice, their lungs clean, their blood flowing, none of those varicose death dams.... etc.
Dr. John R. Christopher made it as simple as did Dr. Hay and Dr. Jackson----------wrong diet creates MUD and ROCK in the human body and we die as a result of ROCK in our organs, filled with mucus/mud and parasites love that rotting mud...........
Human health is so easy to understand and all schools/colleges and doctors do all they can to make sure people never learn...
What I call Liver / GallBladder Cleanse ( L / G Cleanse ) was just an "experiment" based on a old dead doctor that spent his life wanting to cure his daughters M/S. The L/G Cleanse is a "base" formula that can be used for all essential oils, which makes it the best internal de-wormer "base" possible, because the LIVER is where the worms go to eat.
L/G Cleanse #2 is perhaps the greatest herbal "parasite" blend ever and #3, #4, # 5, #6 , #7 and 8 was just more than people could comprehend and I made a spray for each and not 1 person ever figured the sprays out---they became obsolete day 1--but evolved and still keep evolving, but just more than people can understand and with the $$$$ collapsing ----everything is collapsing quickly.........
I only make 10% of what can be made----because books do not exist on the best sellers list and such things are UNKNOWN and I do not have a lifetime to write books and play the social media game, etc.
-----they now all know the covic vaccines were patented in 2010, they now all know NO ONE ever got or died from covic unless a dr gave it to them and they now all know those that are vaccinated, were given the covic germs and poisons as a method to continue destroying human immunity.
Drs destroy human IMMUNITY
A healthy child should get sick every time they get near a vaccinated human.
doctors / nurses / health departments make their job to poison every human on earth-----the day they succeed is the day ELIJAH returns and JESUS the ROCK---kills every mutant on this planet---IF HISTORY continues to all these evil white coat demons are just doing their job---poisoning all life on earth.
The Blue Bloods pretend they are setting on the bank of a river---watching death flow by..........they live in their castles and count their gold and served by slaves.