Check out the FLCCC group of med school profs and emergency med docs. They have a list of doctors who prescribe Ivermectin via telemedicine. Then you can get it in teh US from a local pharmacy; however it won't be covered by insurance. A goodrx card will make the cost under $50 according to what I heard.
Also my parents in their mid 80s and I have recently gotten over a C19 infection. Mine was a mild case. In the old days I would have missed one day of work.
My folks had a roller coaster experience but neither had bad oxygen/oximeter readings at any time.
I take the virus quite seriously but from our experience the list of supplements recommended by the FLCCC seems to provide a good punch against this virus; however you have to stay on them for a week or so. When we were feeling good for a day we were tempted to stop taking them. Then the next day the virus would roar back. My mother almost landed in the hospital because of that mistake. A few hours after resuming them, her oxygen and energy rebounded just before we were going to take her to the hospital.
This pandemic should not have been nearly so bad if health leadership had been honest with the public about readily available immune system support options and old antiviral medications.