In the case of cat worms and all the other really bad worms that cause cyst BECAUSE they are creatures living inside the human body with ONE GOAL---when that body dies, the cyst worms come out and eat /dissolve the body back into the dirt.
CYST worms are known to live 30+ years inside the cyst, just waiting to come out and eat............the cyst is formed by the body to protect from the invader and the more cyst, simple means less circulation, until an organ suffocates............and in the case of the brain, each cyst, each bag of worms, leads to less and less mental health.
ROCK CYST are simple, you stop drinking and eating rock and all water you drink---you steam distill it first---this does dissolve and remove the cyst that form on the ribs and spine-------and if you ask your doctors and chiropractors about such cyst; they all say that is "normal" for all adults to have. Normal slow death, because your bones are in poor shape due to an over load of rock entering into the body.
parasite cyst? I do not believe you will find 1 book that suggest there is anything that can be done, because medical admits these worms are there until you die---BY DESIGN of creation, their job is to eat the dying body. When the oxygen drops, these worms know it is time to hatch out and eat.
These worm cyst can be most anywhere in the body.
Since the brain is 50% fatty / lecithin , the solution is simple------like dissolves like and commercial manufacturers deliberately "use" plant lecithin to their advantage and make sure humans are always lacking lecithin in the diet.
I made the Liver Gallbladder Cleanse blend based on a past MD life goal of curing his daughter's MS. He had published that 1 ounce lecithin daily for prevention and 3 ounces daily for treatment. Naturally no normal person ever consumes this much, but the first person I had try, was an old pastor in Canada that his buddy had been doing blood testing for 20 years, where they look at the blood and after this pastor had consumed the product for just 3 months and his yearly blood exam came due, the person said it was a miracle, because in just 3 months time; the old pastors blood was so pure, so clean that the tester said he had never seen such a test ever.
WHY? Because like dissolves like---fat dissolves fat. This is why soap was always made from animal fat.
in the case of human lecithin, the common diet lacks the plant fat---unless your an european that was raised on olive oil.......the book OLIVE OIL explains that is how the europeans could live to be 100 and smoke cigars 12 hours every day and drink booze like it was water---BECAUSE they did not eat butter and instead was raised on plant/tree fats.
So the theory of the L/G Cleanse was to aid in the cleansing of the liver, which leads to the cleansing of the lymph glands and for the blood---the cleansing of the arteries, the valves, the veins, the heart, the brain and the nerves...............because like dissolves like and natural fats in the diet enables the blood to do all that work naturally....
NOT that we humans lack lecithin----BECAUSE we do not, same as we do not lack drugs and vitamins---THE ONLY REASON we have a fat issue, is because we have wrong diet and the more wrong that diet is, the more fat issues the body will experience; such as hardening of the arteries and brain.
Worms fiest and party in all human livers and the pancreas is like a luxury hotel for the wealthy elite worms to have 24 hour orgies their entire adult lives. They do not nothing but spew out eggs by the thousands every day---because there is no blood in the pancreatic duct to kill the worms...
SO naturally that is where you want your de-wormer herbs---IN YOUR LIVER, so what happens when you eat fats?????? They get sucked up into the liver according to medical, because fats are hard to dissolve. This is why people with clogged livers will puke when they are eating fats or what people call HEART BURN......
To date, I have never ever read a single herb book or any book for that matter, that suggest the logical solution---------make a de-wormer that is fat based. So 10+ years ago based on the 1957 co-q10 theory, I collected plant/tree fats from around the world and added de-wormer herbs...........I did it as an experiment and never believed anyone else world try it..........and was surprised that our number 1 doctor, a harvard MD that specialized in women's health---for years, was the largest consumer of the L/G Cleanse.....until a couple years ago his masters stopped him from selling all herbs.
The L/G Cleanse sold its self and by its self, now is in the top 5 products that all sale them selves to the amish. When 1 amish lady tries something for herself or children---"IF" she likes it, she tells her friends and maybe 1 will try it and eventually, by word of mouth only---that product climbs the list.
SOON I decided to make it a real ADULT DEWORMER FORMULA, so I made it from mild to extreme-----what we call #2-#8
Plain #1 and #2 are the 2 that sale, (the others cost more, so they never took off)
So back to your question:
Cyst, be they worm or rock creations-------Kidney / Pancreas Cleanse daily for life and Liver Gallbladder #2 Cleanse daily for life and NEVER DRINK ROCK and NEVER allow your body to be a place for worms to thrive.
JUST a rock free diet, should lead to the removal of the bone cyst.
The prostrate stones, kidney stones, bone spurs, etc.---the kidney herbs takes care of all that.
Dr. John R, Christopher videos tells you that during autopsies they cut out your aorta and look at it and snap it like a pretzel--because it is rock hard, lined with rock, same as all your organs are full of rock.
People just do not want to hear it, or under stand it. City water is for flushing your toilet. PERIOD, ask anyone that was trained to operate city water works, they will tell you to NEVER drink that stuff.
Well water, Spring water is DEATH WATER.
Humans are not created to drink ground water...........I stopped drinking what people call 'water" 30+ years ago.
BRAIN CYST will take years to dissolve and you most likely will cure all the other diseases in the process. The most potent formula I made for such a thing would be the most extreme TOPKNOT KIT that is on the website. a 2 p[art kit. An extreme tincture and an extreme oil formula with the purpose of growing hair. It can also be used on all skin that a person can tolerate the extreme deworming.
By applying to the scalp---where allot of blood travels, these extreme herbs flow down the head through the neck---do some enter the brain? I assume so, I do not think it possible that these herbs do not flow through with the blood. The dosage is simple---as MUCH as you dare. I like to cover the entire scalp and alternate equally until both bottles are empty.
By applying externally, your actually treating the entire body with the most potent herbs known in history. in the beginning they will be extremely hot, but after years of use, they are fine, as long as you do not get on the eyes, the eyes never seem to completely enjoy spicy herbs.
The goal is hair, the side affect is deworming the body. The same herbs can be taken internally, in milder formulas. I like external, because I can use 50x more and not bothered by taste.
WORMS live in the skin, especially in the hairs----------bald spots I believe are worm spots. As well as hard fat. The kits are based on that theory of thinning / bald hair..
LOSS of brain function is not a goal for anyone---the old folks homes are full of people that forget their name---these wealthier elderly are easily preyed upon by bad lawyers/judges/pastors/MD/Hospitals----so badly; America ignores it, because they as a group want rid of people that can't help them selves.
KEEP YOUR CIRCULATION-----only you can do this, no other human on the planet, cares-less. They can't care for them selves, so they surely can't care for others that are sick.
Worms cause less circulation------so 1 cure, has always cured all---CIRCULATION, what ever it takes to restore your circulation, cures you.