North Star
To avoid headaches, make sure one is hydrated by drinking enough water and/or hydrating drinks such as kombucha or other fermented drinks and do holistic dentistry (I recommend Mark Breiner) and alternative orthodontics. Also try The Gokhale Method and Esther Gokhale's recommendations for clothing, household products, and personal products such as mattresses, pillows, and shoes. In addition, eat The Wise Traditions Diet and get off glasses and other vision-related "crutches" such as contacts. I especially recommend an eye glandular supplement from Ancestral Supplements, I believe the company is called. Go sunbathing regularly, exercise through Gokhale-approved methods, do de-stressing activities like meditation and yoga, and avoid Rolfing and chiropractic work as these can result in injury. Have an eco-friendly home in-so-far as it is useful to avoid health problems (e.g. use non-toxic paints and upholstery).