I am currently 35 years old. I've suffered from exfoliative cheilitis since I was 14 years old. I've tried everything. Honestly everything. The only thing that ever really worked for me was Protopic, but the thing is you can't use it regularly or your lips get "used" to it. Hydrocortisone and other steroid creams worked for awhile, but eventually became ineffective.
3 years ago at 32 I found out I have Sjogren's Syndrome, and it's likely I've had it since I was 14. Hence the super dry, cracked lips and angular cheilitis that I've suffered from since my teenage years. If you don't know what Sjogren's is some of you should look it up; I'd be willing to bet some of you have it, especially if you have dry eyes, suffer from dry mouth or "thirst", fatigue and a whole bunch of other problems that might seem unrelated. I didn't need to see a doctor until my joints started hurting and my face started swelling. But I digress.
I swear to you this is the only thing that has every worked for me.......consistently. And the funny part is, it's cheap as hell. A co-worker told me about it, but for scarring. (By the way) it does work great for lightening scars. Don't ask me what told me to try it on my lips, but one day I was really desperate and I happened to glance over and see the thing about "dry/cracked" and I figured why not?
So w/o further words. It's called Arnica salve. It has been a miracle and I really do hope it works for you. I even tried the dish soap on here that others recommended. This is not only much easier, but just not as horrible. I suspect it works so well because it creates a type of film over the lips that prevents drying. Don't know how it works, but JUST TRY IT! It will cost you $5!!!
Link there. This is the brand I use. It may not work for everyone but I really do hope it works for some of you! It saved my life. I still get "outbreaks" every now and then that I can tempter w/Protopic, but they are far and in between. PLEASE let me know if it works for you! If it doesn't it cost you $5! Good luck!!