The Church of England, no longer committed to God but committed to the government for their very survival. The Church now has become very politically correct concerning sex outside of marriage. A statement recently by Justin Welby said Sorry for saying sex was only for heterosexuals. The archbishop of York and Canterbury have apologised. They say their statement jeopardised trust. It comes after recent changes in U K law giving couples the right to civil partnerships.
Christ laid his life down for everyone so they could have salvation through his painful excruciating death, there is no room for betrayal if they want salvation. There is nothing they can go through that Christ hadn’t. Church of England is a dwindling church, it really is, there’s a lot of atheists here, this puts pressure on the church for their very survival so they are quick to be politically correct when need be. I believe there will come a time when the church will be driven underground, people praying hidden out of sight, just like it was in the early time’s after Christ’s death when the Romans murdered those early followers of Christ by trying to wipe them out like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. There could also come a time when either the government insists on scripture being removed from the bible or outright banning it, not in my lifetime but it could easily happen as political correctness gets stronger. Firms have even banned people from wearing a cross.
What does the Bible say...
Galatians: 1:6-9
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel - not that there is another one, but there are some that trouble you and want to distort the gospel in Christ. But even if we or an angel from Heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before and so now I say again : If anyone is preaching a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
Corinthians 11-13-15
For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.