The black walnut tree is a wonderful tree---great for furniture and most of it can be used for human herbal medicines.
the leaf, bark, buds and nuts--basically anything but the hard wood you make furniture out of.
The German's did the best herbal studies 70+ years ago and black walnut is one of their more famous hardwoods in Germany.
Hulda was wrong, she studied the Hoxey mexican cancer treatment use of walnuts---because southern CA has no walnuts, they went to Arizona..........face the facts, the black walnut tree LOVES WATER, it will actually suck up so much water that lightening loves to strike and split the trees like a banana. If you cut a black walnut when it is wet season--if your not experienced you will split the tree up the middle and if your not lucky, that mistake can get you killed.....a wet tree is top heavy and ready to break from the weight. So ideally you cut walnut trees when it is dry ground.
So Arizona not an ideal place to find a walnut tree or maybe she picked english walnuts? Either way, she scoup shoveled the nuts into the back of a pick up truck-----again, not what you want to do--same as you never want to use vitamin c in the tincture.
As a de-wormer you want the green nut and as premature as you want to pick it. Actually the male bud is the best and if you really want the absolute best you pick the male buds from trees 60' tall+ and from the north side of that tree---for that reason i use a lift truck that reaches 65 feet and I imported a 4x4 lift truck from California County, California because I wanted 4x4 and rust free......once the states/counties are done with those trucks they sale them cheap. Old trucks are too expensive to update and not suitable for commercial use after x amount of years or hours. For private use they will last a very long time....
Where I live it is wet---dig a hole and you have a yard has walnuts, all the fence rows have walnuts, the woods are full of walnuts--in fact, 50 years ago a company from Germany flew over the state looking for black walnut trees and they told my dad that he had the last great walnut woods in the state and wanted to buy them all and take back to Germany and make veneer. My dad asked the people that knew about trees and they came out and marked only the trees that should be harvested and my dad followed the expert advice......5 years later we sold that dairy farm and the new owner, a house builder---stripped the woods of all walnut trees and bragged that he paid for the farm by selling the walnuts--then he covered the hills in houses......that is what happens with greedy people.
There are many breeds of black walnuts----some have small, some have huge nuts---- the nuts taste good, but difficult to collect the seed can spend an hour with a correct machine just collecting a quart of nuts.
The cool thing about black walnut trees is that you can cut the tops off of them year after year after year and they grow back. if you top them out, they are less apt to get hit by lightening and because they are attacked by the chain saw, in theory they come back stronger and stronger each time. I have topped trees out a full 20+ years and they continue to have plentiful walnuts.
BEWARE of hornets nest when you are climbing high in trees------if you come face to face with hornets and 50 feet in a tree---your life could be in danger.
Black walnut trees are plentiful where they grow best, because squirrels deliberately plant them for their food.
FOR REAL---squirrels take the nuts and dig holes and plant the trees for you-------so if you want to collect the nuts of 1 tree and have plenty to spare--some people will just cut the tree down and then collect the nuts and cut the tree up for fire wood.
A black walnut tree has roots the same size as the tree you no wind will ever blow the tree over...never. The wind can break it, but those roots are not coming out.
If you dig them out, you can end up with a hole in the ground the size of that tree.
Black walnut is a prized wood and a prized medicine.
There is more about black walnut medicine that you will find in books today and like Christopher believed, there will be 1,000+ things the scientist will never know about each herb.