5 months ago I posted on this same issue. It's concerning to think I've been carrying this infection around with me for so long! I believe this started in summer 2017 although my memory is fuzzy, because I blew off the original symptoms for many months... I've had an infection in my finger for roughly 1-2 years tho. I can trace back the origin to when I found a "latex-free" pair of dish gloves. I was so happy so have them that I reused them over and over again for weeks. Eventually they started to stink from sweat and moisture inside, so I would occasionally rinse them out and dry them ~ bad idea! Some bacteria grew inside, from my research either S. aureus, S. pyogenes. At some point I got a hangnail when using the gloves which allowed for the bacteria to enter my body via the wound. My first symptom was my finger ACHING where the hangnail closed up. I was confused and didn't connect the dots to the gloves at that point. Eventually a reddish bubble developed. I ignored it for months until a light bulb went off that I had an infection, and after some research realized it was a paronychia. I wanted to avoid seeing my doc at all costs because I figured she'd just throw me on an antibiotic. My problem with this is that I've been on an
Antibiotic about every 4-6 months for almost 4 years... one thing after another (suspected STI [turned out neg tho!], ear infections, strep throat, etc.) The
Antibiotics basically destroyed my immune system and I have felt that my body has become almost reliant on them but at some point am concerned they just won't work. They've also made me feel incredibly weak and I feel as though my body cannot tolerate them anymore. So I have tried MANY alternative things to treat this finger. I have successfully cured nasal polyps, genital warts, oral thrush, etc. so thought this would be easy. NOPE. I have tried topical application of essential oils (oregano, clove, YL Thieves, YL purification, tea tree), soaking the finger in mesosilver/hydrogen peroxide, applying a blue light (supposed to be antibacterial for acne) "Tanda Zap" 3x daily, potato poultice, garlic poultice, and hot water soaks. The hot water soaks were recommended by CureZone members and was my doctor's first suggestion. She said to try them for 2 weeks but it did nothing. Finally about 3-4 months ago I broke down and visited my doc again. She actually never suggested
Antibiotics , but did attempt to drain it. She wanted to collect pus to culture for the culprit pathogen. She made an incision into the "bump" (OUCH!!!) and squeezed it pretty hard several times. Red blood was the only thing that gushed out, no pus whatsoever. She wanted me to continue doing the hot soaks which I did. Eventually the wound closed up but the bump and pain came right back. Now 3-4 months later I still have the same problem I had all along and it's starting to flare up and ache more than usual. With a longstanding infection like this there is concern of it going deep, possibly into the bone. If I shine a light into my finger like a scene from ET, you can see a black sack inside right where the infection is. The whole finger is a nice red color except that area which is black and has 2 lines (veins?) leading away from it. At this point I think my last option via the doctor is to have a deeper surgery and be put on some major skin
Antibiotics , both of which sound unpleasant and dangerous. I thought I'd ask one more time if anyone had any new ideas for treating this resistant infection that has withstood all attempts at eradication thus far. Would a zapper help?? Never tried one but desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm hoping there's a sage person out there who has some ingenious new approach. Of course the main problem is that healthy, closed up skin protects the infection from whatever I apply to it! Whatever I topically apply doesn't sink in deep enough.