they are going away because they have failed. seems legit to me.
they have failed in gods rule. they have failed in their responsibilities to others. they have rejected the blessings the lord bestowed upon them and sold it all for convenience and a full belly. these guys talk about one of the ways they did so.
Sure, I can see your text point. However, the same can be applied to curezone. Where are the groups that manned the forums to help people? Where are they? Why did they leave? Fail.
Sure we can individually try and help every person that comes to certain forums that we feel like we have info to share...but lets be realistic about it all. No one has the time and energy to spend their days answering every question. You get burnout. We need it like the old days where there were many people helping....a group of people that have different gifts to share, but have a basic vision for curezone. Think about how that can be achieved.
It's no different than the churches. There is great strength in groups. The body of Christ is more than one member and more than one part of the body. It's all needed to function correctly.
curezone was part of a movement. its purpose was as a collective of information you couldnt get anywhere else or that you couldnt get very easily. neither of these things are true now. the site should go back to its roots and specialize. what in, i am not sure, but it needs to evolve in order to grow and avoid internet death.
the reason people sought curezone is gone. there are sites all over the internet that specialize in any one individuals current concern. google has taken curezones place. and everyone now lives on their phone. curezone has struggled to be usable from a phone.
its a dinosaur. and unless it can offer something unique it will continue to go down. i know something unique it offers - a platform for free speech. youtube just killed the zionist report account today and all their vids are gone.
but eventually the powers that did that will get everyone. you cannot buy or sell without the mark on what you think and what you do. what does that mean? what is the litmus teast for business in the world today? ask ryan dawson. ask any entity, public or private, political or religious or secular, and they will all tell you that their success is metered to the degree that it supports or opposes the state of israel.
people can be in all the denial they want and that wont change reality. whats the real reason the churches have failed? because they oppose judaism. because they cannot be followers of christ and be in full support of israel. they tried. there are neocons and zionist fundamentalists but they are like any other traitors to their cause - once victory is achieved their services will no longer be needed and they will be "killed" as well.
reality vs fantasy. theere is no wealth, there is no health, and there is no poor, like jesus said we would always have. everything has been weaponized - the air, the water, the food, the money, the health care, the news, the education system, science, literature, entertainment, holidays, socaial events, electronics, clothing, furniture, housing........................................
the churches have failed because they have conformed to this world. so there is no church, only world. and in this world, what they have to offer is lame. it can be had elsewhere in a better more convenient and approachable venue. they have all bent the knee. the whole world has been taken captive.
i found myself last night having to endure watching pagans light the tree in rockefeller center. we are all done. stick a fork in this demon-infested place. there is only one church here and that is the church of the great satan. god has nothing to do with that and most people have absolutely nothing to do with god.
like i said in an earlier thread and got no response, i dont think you get it. you get hints of it but its too painful. when i was just a small child i can remember the preaching and the stories. people yearned to be raptured to escape the coming wrath. they winced at the thought of having their heads chopped off for the sake of not denying jesus. these horror visions ruled my thinking. what a terrible end we all were about to face, AND SOON!!! it was debilitating and it ruined much of my young life. well, i grew up and discovered that a person not willing to do what god says when its easy, well, there is no freakin way they are gonna submit themselves when its hard. i realized that people were just living in a fantasy. that their motivations were not pure, no matter how much they pretended. i probably witnessed the last vestige of true dedication to god through lifestyle there in the backwoods of arkansas. i saw the beginnings of the cancer that has taken over. the thing that gave us people like bill and hillary clinton. jim and tammy baker. and the bush family. it started in the churches. it was promoted and and advanced by people like billy graham and david wilkerson. you dont get it because you dont see there is no difference in any of those people and you and me. our only hope is faith in god and choosing to serve him. youve got the book. its not hard to read. you know what he wants.
Matthew 23:23
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
nstead of focusing on filling a little wooden barrel with coins i should have been learning about what gods law meant and how to judge and show mercy and have faith.
according to jesus, we should have been doing both, not just saying oh well, we will see in the sweet by and by.
so its not your head on a chopping block. its your grandkids. its your financial security. its all the things you dont want to give up. i dont know what else to tell you. i hate myself when i lie.
Buloney, You are not going to convince me that this place was intended as a data storage spot. That is not what attracted me to it in the first place. This place was full of people learning and sharing. That was what made curezone great.
What you are saying sounds like what you personally want it to be. Only the Webmaster and/or owner decides what the future will be. Perhaps he sides with you on all that....I don't know, but I'm just stating what I saw when I came here. I thought it was an awesome idea.
youre just so hell bent on justifying what you want that youll take any position to do it.
those people youre talking about came here, me included, looking for answers where none could be found, or were hard to find. of course the place was awesome. i didnt say anything any different.
cant you see that things change? they not only change, they change ever so rapidly these days. im still using a computer to do all of this with. no one uses computers any more. they use phones. curezone has missed the boat. the facebook page is dead. its just over. a long time contributer and supporter of curezone told it best to me privately - curezone has run its course. it has. it weathered some serious attacks, too. as has all alternative health.
i dont know what your problem is with my suggestions. i really dont know this biz that well. if i did, i wouldnt be here, i tell you. my opinion is only that.i know people and i know sales. a thing must provide a perceived benefit or people wont spend their time or their money on it. when YOU (refreshed) start receiving diminishing returns then you duck out. so does everyone else. or when time is better spent elsewhere.
i didnt write what i did to fix anything. i described the truth. go back and look at it in that light. im not biased about the site or the people here. im actually interested in being godlike. im actually practicing judgement and mercy. you should not skip the scriptures in my posts. if i thought they werent important i wouldnt bother.
Well that wasn't the case for me. I prayed to God for wisdom and asked Him to guide me to understanding how to beat MS. All my friends with MS are now in wheelchairs...I'm not. I was brought here and I received healing. So if I seem a little grateful for all the hard work people gave, to see to it that I found the answers God wanted me to receive..then by golly, I'm going to be grateful. In turn, I did the same by giving back to others who had questions and were looking for answers. I saw it as a win win situation.
So if you see this place as a lost cause, why are you here? To be godlike? To practice judgement and mercy? I don't get it. Is it true like tomi says, that you are just having fun with us because we are boring? Wouldn't that make you a troll and not godlike?
i saw this a long time ago. its worthless.
"so big its practically flat." thats right, cody! but the numbers Science gives us could definitely be perceived by us, if they were true. we wouldnt need this shit. nice try, though.
what i could buy, in this argument, is the atmosphere close to the ground being a conductor of light like fiber optics. that might explain no perceivable curve. but the fact is, there is no curve. water seeks the lowest level. planes never adjust for the curve. engineers never design for the curve. the horizon always rises to eye level. the navy with laser weapons never encounter a curve. and the bible says the earth is on pillars and has a firmament above it. you like the bible? believe it? or you believe this kid and his triangulations? i KNOW you dont understand what he did. you say you cant even follow what i say. lolololol
best comments:
James Burgess
James Burgess
1 year ago (edited)
Flat Earthers be like: "Nah, your telescope is just broken."
2 months ago
0:15 Cody admits the surface is level, also known as Flat Earth. Cody said it himself.
5 months ago
This just in.. Earth diagnosed as BI-POLAR.
sean callahan
sean callahan
4 months ago
I met a smart flat Earther last week. Said no one. Ever.
6 months ago
Now I'm no math genius, but a Google search showed me the radius of the Earth is 3.959 mi. Dividing this by your final calculation of 4,182 mi gives your measurement method an accuracy of 94.667%.
That's a difference of only 5.33% (a lot better than ~18%!), which seems pretty darn close to me! Great job! 👍😃
Len Taclof
Len Taclof
9 months ago
I've been studying Physics for 11 years now and you did an excellent math proof for these fools but they won't believe you.
Michael Francis
Michael Francis
4 months ago
I will save you the trouble. The Earth is a giant pancake. I am constantly eating the outer edges so no one can fall off. Out in space there's little droplets of syrup called planets. One day they will land on Earth and make my pancakes more enjoyable. This is all based on actual fact, understand?
chris willard
4 months ago
You people are all tards. The Earth is square in the summer but in the fall it's more octagon or sometimes a triangle. In the winter it goes back to square with the corners rounded of so that the sun and the moon won't have to peek around the corners so the sun can start warming up the Earth for spring. Then like shampooing, rinse lather repeat. Bunch of dummies! SMH
3 months ago
Cody used a shopped screen grab pic of his video for his "measurements". You can clearly see the dramatic differences in the photo vs the video. That smoke and mirrors mirage gave him the bubble gum tape measure he needed to output whatever ballpark numbers he was aiming at. Probably a grad student with a grant or fishing for grants.
Two Nuts
Two Nuts
1 year ago
*(fact) The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe...
Chester Olszowka
9 months ago (edited)
Flat earth is an elaborate hoax that came out of a bar bet to see how many of the "poorly educated" Americans would fall for it. The smart people know the earth is a globe because, well, education. Not from listening to a bunch of brainwashed kooks on the internet.
"Well that wasn't the case for me. I prayed to God for wisdom and asked Him to guide me to understanding how to beat MS. All my friends with MS are now in wheelchairs...I'm not. I was brought here and I received healing. So if I seem a little grateful for all the hard work people gave, to see to it that I found the answers God wanted me to receive..then by golly, I'm going to be grateful. In turn, I did the same by giving back to others who had questions and were looking for answers. I saw it as a win win situation."
i have exactly the same testimony. i havent got one single clue as to who you are arguing with. none whatsoever. its like you look in my direction and look right through me. shall i say it once again for effect? you just gave my testimony, minus the MS, it was a different malady.
"So if you see this place as a lost cause, why are you here? To be godlike? To practice judgement and mercy? I don't get it. Is it true like tomi says, that you are just having fun with us because we are boring? Wouldn't that make you a troll and not godlike?"
you are not listening to me. i said this place has run its course. its off the rails. its been parked. the conversations are over. the info is archived here and thats about all that is left. mourn that if youre just now realizing it but ive been over it for a long time now. sad, yes. true, double yes. i suggest you catch up. tomi? really? ive seen grasping at straws before but thats off the charts. im right here. look me in the eyes and talk to me. im not tomi. why are you so easily thrown off? focus. please.
Thank you for trying a little harder...sort of. You act like I can read your mind and understand you. I don't. I'm grateful for curezone and what all it opened up to me...that's all. Do you have more knowledge of why curezone has been parked? Am I being too hopeful, and you are just trying to stop me from being let down? You said it was only your opinion. There is no law saying I have to give up hope over a person's opinion. Facts however are a different story. Tell me now so I can stop shipment of all those red hats in time.
Simon & Garfunkel
Cecilia, you're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh, Cecilia, I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home
Cecilia, you're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh, Cecilia, I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home
Come on home
Making love in the afternoon with Cecilia
Up in my bedroom (making love)
I got up to wash my face
When I come back to bed someone's taken my place
Cecilia, you're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh, Cecilia, I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home
Come on home
Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
She loves me again
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing
She loves me again
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing
Whoah-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoah-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoah-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoah-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
I'm sorry, I don't follow well. I'm not a debater, yet you insist on pushing me into areas that I'm not 100% sure I understand well enough to debate. Especially at night when I'm tired. Some of your posts have so much deep areas of discussion that I don't know where to start, or if I even want to. I'm lucky to comment on just one of the items you bring up. And when I do decide to comment, I pick which one I'm interested in. When you overwhelm me with too much debating items at once, I just say what I want to say. Thus, why you feel like I look right through you. So, I'm not purposely trying to strawman you...that's just how I deal with it.
As I have said before, it would be helpful that you work on being a trustworthy person. You and Tomi can't keep doing these love/hate bombs on everyone. We are not one of Pavlov's dogs. I can't be trained into being what you want me to be. I know who I am in Christ.
I just look at things differently than you do. In the beginning I came here for healing. I received it as well as being blessed by making life-long pen-pals that I enjoy chatting with to this very day. So even though curezone may not have as much updated info that titillates my great need for health knowledge, I still cherish this place that I gained so much. I can over look and forgive all the wrongs that happened back then, when I struggled through brain fog to try desperately to comprehend.
What went wrong with curezone? I see it differently than you do. Humans interacted wrong, that was what happened. It had nothing to do with cellphones or laptops or having the greatest software. Ok, I will agree that Google may have purposely hindered any searching for curezone. There are many things on curezone that the liberal agenda hate. Including christianity and what you post on your forum. I'm fully aware of my involvement in the truth movement and how it can affect the overall picture of things. That being said, I am not here to purposely hurt curezone in any way...I'm just standing.
Sorry Tomi, but if me disagreeing with trapper on here is your idea of disrespect, then we got much further to go than I thought. I have explained to the best of my ability and trapper has too. It is wise to give unknown people a chance by showing respect as a way to open doors to one another. Other's whom I know better, that are known to not be trustworthy have to earn my respect. Just like they have to earn my trust.