All of our Institutions are under attack. We have seen Sweeden basically fall to the hordes. Germany, here is the deal
You have so much energy to cut others down, why not re-focus it ?? If the swedes and germans are being invaded, and you can see the US is under the same attack, why not get out there and do something more than complain about it ?
You were in the air force, big deal. All my friends were in the service, clearly, that work is for nothing, done in vain.
If you think you're near life's end, why not do something meaningful against the assault against the Oath you took when in the Forces, instead of wasting your time on here ?
There's a battle. I know quadrapalegics doing more than you, can send cites if you want me to.
Get out, get involved !!! You could be a great asset for fighting for the country !! Posting on curezone is a waste of time at this point !!
If you truly care about your posterity, curezone is definitely not the place to be. Even planting signs in yards for non-commie-Demorats is more productive, and requires little effort.
You're a smart guy, you see what's happening, and you have tons of time on your hands, evidence by your time on this lame website. Do the right thing, ditch curezone and get out there and defend the interests of your posterity, if you truly care about who is going to rule them. Stop wasting your time, the situation is dire