I have found the cure to this repetitive cycle & it has nothing to do with using steroid creams & outlandish remedies. The way I am curing myself is allowing my body to work itself. The best thing you can do for yourself in the early stages is to not peel anything forcefully from your lips. Allow the build to stay until it becomes hard & turns to crust. This is the key while your lips may look ugly underneath the crust your lips are slowly repairing themselves. The more you continue to peel the more cycles you will have. Another thing during this stage do not apply anything at all to your lips you don’t want the crust to become most it should be as hard & as dry as possible until you can remove it without taking any skin off along with it. After showering & brushing your teeth the crust may become wet & that’s when it is more subjective to come off prematurely. You don’t want that. So what you do is lightly pat it with a towel & to make the crust become hard again have a fan turned on to the max above or directly towards your face. & repeat this every time your lips get wet. The only ointment you will need is aquaphor & the only time you will use it is when the crust of an area falls off you will apply aquaphor carefully only to that area. The miserable & hard part of this process is that the crust will have your lips looking ugly but that’s the body treating your lips basically as a scab. I have had ec since I was 16 & i am now 23. The years before I would always remove the build up & the crust so my lips never got a chance to heal. I’m in my second week of this method & the top part of my lips are 80% healed. The lines are returning & the crust are falling off reveling healed skin underneath. My bottom lip is 65% healed & I am now seeing elasticity & the lines on my lips. I’ll post pictures soon but believe me stop taking steroid creams & ointments. I used triamcinole 1% before this process & it made my lips worse. Once you let the build up stay you’ll realize your lips themselves will stop peeling. I haven’t changed my diet or anything of that nature. I got ec from picking at my lips & biting them in high school. Treat this like a scab & you will see much improvement in 2 weeks or less.