Hello all,
I've tried, and I've failed. I've tried again, and I've failed. I've tried and tried and tried, only to fail again, again.
My original goal was a long extended water fast. Be it two weeks or three. I have been attempting to do this for the past 7 months and have only ever made it to 5 days. While initial attempts brought on heavy keto-flu, nausea/vomiting(very quick, all water), heart palpitations, dizziness etc. I've gotten to the point where I can make it 5 days and not have much symptoms, if at all, save the expected bodily weakness and occasional dizziness.
But alas, with my home situation being as it is, three square meals a day for my family members, the constant aroma of delicious food permeating the household, the mental temptations/cravings are just to much after day 4 or 5 days. Grrrrrr....
My reasons for this were 90% health benefits, the remainder for fat loss. In January my max weight was 215
lbs. I was pretty heavy considering my previous weight at roughly 165
lbs. I gained this in about a year of obsessive over eating and lack of exercise. Weight wise, with the fast, I was aiming for a max weight of 150 lbs, in order to give myself 10 lbs, give or take, after re-feeding. And then start a strict/disciplined workout routine while employing a ketogenic based diet. Happily, with these 7 months of intermittent fasting with the occasional 5+ mile run or 10 mile walk my current weight after this mornings
Water Fast fail is 169.5 lbs :) I can also report my extreme back pain that I've suffered with my of my adult like (Im 38) has not troubled me this past week. Which is shocking, and which makes me even more upset with myself knowing that the pain will probably return once I am active again i.e. not fasting at length, and erks me to no end at the possibilities that could have occurred had I completed a long fast 14/20+ days straight. I also should mention that this past fast actually started in earnest maybe 2 weeks ago but I broke it after the 3rd day with scrambled eggs/bagel and a turkey sandwich at one point, then started again the very next day; went 3 days and broke it with an activia yogurt because I felt constipated, then did a another 2 days straight (ending today).
Anyway, I was so looking forward to an actual long fast (in my mind I was always aiming for 28 or so days, but would had settled for 14 complete days, or hell, even a week at this point!) and seeing what benefits my body would have taken in with such a fast. Besides the excruciating almost constant back pain (that doctors cannot help me with, "Backs are tricky" is the usual prognosis/diagnosis), I suffer from bad allergies (seasonal, but the season is whatever season it feels like attacking) and few other ailments. But also, my incessant over eating, it seems like once I have a bite or a meal, I want to eat everything in the house. Luckily with these past few attemtps I've had less of a craving for
Sugar n sweets, and only feel like eating truly healthy foods. I should also state that since the age of 18 I have pretty much only consumed water as a beverage, only breaking from that with the occasional juice (non organic
Sugar filled Ocean Spray type stuff). And I have not even tasted a beer in years.
So, my reason for posting is this... Is it possible to enjoy much of, if not all of(!), the benefits of an extended fast were I to become extremely fit both on a muscular level as well as cardio level. Obviously I know that the back pain I suffer from would be improved exponentially with intensely solidifying my abdominal and back muscles. But would I benefit the interior and purge years and years of toxins from bad eating, experimental(!!!) drug/alcohol use (as a teenager/young adult) etc. by acquiring a regimented fitness plan and diet? Specifically a strict keto-diet of healthy high fats and very low carbohydrates? Again, obviously eating well and daily exercise is an improvement on health no matter what. But if I devoted myself (which I plan to do anyway, starting today) to this spartan regimen, and stuck with it as a lifestyle, for life(!), would I reap the same benefits/effects of having completed an extended fast. Also I would be intermittent fasting weekly 1-2 days.
It's just I do not think I will have again the time to fast for an extended period (work) for years perhaps, so, this was my last attempt at a long fast.
Any contributions is very much welcomed and appreciated. I would especially like to hear "chrisb1" thoughts on this.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this and if any clarifications are needed please let me know. I've written this in a hurry and with low energy levels. Thank you!