Your questions *are* being answered. It's just not the answers or lies as could be the case that you wanna hear. The way fasting and weight loss have been addressed in detail. Reference links from the FAQs given.
I'll say it again this is a PUBLIC forum and all kindsa folks with the same questions you have will read these posts. You screwed up, so what big deal move on. The good news is you didn't hurt yourself but it could made you violenty ill and I want to make sure that others don't make the same mistakes you made and go through a needless bad experience because they didn't read and prepare. This is a PUBLIC FORUM.
You just can't separate what you did with the possible reprecutions that could or might still be taking place so that is extremely relevant info to the many many other new visitors coming here to educate themselves. I did answer your questions and so have many others.
Move on and press on there are just not going to be any set answers and more so in your situation were you took all that oil in the middle of the fast. Count yourself lucky that nothing real bad happened to you. It's gonna be what it's gonna be for *you*. Press on ride it out and read all the posts again because they are what will ultimately help you succeed whether you like the answers or not.
Good Luck
Cool beans B. Miso is an excellent choice as it will help populate your internal flora. Just in case you didn't know that it is very important NEVER to boil miso and you will be destroying the active bacteria and other goodness. If you add sea vegetables like Wakame or any other veggies you first cook all the veggies without the miso in. Then when the veggies are done you turn the heat off and add you miso and let it sit for a few minutes.
Something that adds great flavor to miso soup is that in the same pot that you will be making the soup I sauté some onions in toasted sesame seed oil the add you water and that ever other veggies. My fave veggie to add are wakame shitake mushroom and daikon. Shoot just thinking about it has made my mouth water so I'm headed for the kitchen to make some. If you have never tried toasted sesame seed oil you will be in for a treat. The aroma from it is fab.
The Miso I get "Miso Master Organic" clearly states "unpasturized" on the lable. Better yet than yogurt is Kefir as it contains 8 strands of acidophilous to yogurts one.
Have never tried to make Rejuvelac but I do know that it is highly recomended
When I have used store bought probiotic cultures I have opted for one in liquid form which to me makes more sense that it would contain an active culture rather than something in a pill. I can't back that up with any facts just a matter of personal preference.
Kefir is sorta like a liquid yogurt in texture and taste and it is a lot less mucous forming that yogurt. Like I mentioned before that it contains a more diverse number of strand of beneficial bacteria than yogurt.
I have never seen Rejuvelac sold already packaged but if I recollect correctly it is made by soaking wheatberries and maybe something else and the liquid is the Rejuvelac but I'm not 100% sure on the ingredients. LNDolls uses it and I'm sure that she'll be glad to give you the recipe.
The cool thing about Kefir is that it can be made from other liquids besides cow milk. I have had it made from coconut milk and it is quite tasty. There is a Kefir forum here on Curezone that I'm sure you'll get lots of good info on it there.
As far as what you ate at the BBQ I'd say you're just fine. I love to make portablello sandwiches. My toaster oven crapped out on me but I would take a nice big cap and cover it with Tamari and some olive oil and broil in the toaster oven. Add some sunflower sprouts a little vegit (veggie salt) a dash of balsamic vinegar some mustard and voila a nice quick easy sandwich.
Interesting. Who makes the one you buy?
They had a very interesting recipe in your link for for Kefirlac!