Ive been diagnosed with astigmatism and
in the past have been diagnosed with
Photophobia (light sensitivity), which has
Often caused my pupils to stay really small
In bright lights. Sometimes glasses have
Helped but i know that if a dr is a little off, it
Can cause worse eye problems, if an
Eye prescription is a little wrong. Whats your
Opinion on if glasses are more harmful than
Helpful? (Also want to note ive not had an entire eye
Test done bc i have refused the atropine drops.
Knowing that atropine is from belladonna (deadly nightshade). So ive only had a small portion
Of the eye tests done. Ive sometimes worn
Nonprescription glasses bc it keeps air out
Of my eyes, n air in my eyes sometimes
Causes pain. Also keeps some of the light
Out. Is this a bad idea? I figure its best not to
Wear just some cheap clear frames from a
Mall accessory store or something, but is it
An alright idea to wear actual glass (made from
A legit eyeglass n prescription eyeglass co).
Or could this cause damage to eyes also, having
Glass so closeup to the eyes. Ive also limited
Wearing sunglasses for now, bc im not sure
About the material causing eye strain being
So closeup. Sometimes prescription eyeglasses
Seem to help, but other times i wonder if its
Really just causing eye damage while it
Seems to help?