You need to educate yourself. Read how your body works, know your anatomy. Don’t believe what doctor tells you, question everything your doc tells you. You have been prescribed Lanzoprasole, a slow poison. Did your doc tell you that following are the side effects?
Acute Interstitial Nephritis
Kidney inflammation
Kidney damage
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
End-stage renal failure
Kidney failure
Stomach cancer
So first thing you should know that drugs are made to mask symptoms and make you feel that the problem is not there, but the problem is there and continues to grow. You had acid reflux and the doc decided to kill your stomach acid. I have been on this route and paid for it, but I woke up early enough to know that my body was producing less acid and that is why I had reflux. I was in the hospital with a bleeding ulcer, which was quaterzized. A cleaning lady came in my room, barely spoke English, who upon learning why I was there told me about cabbage and yuca. I gave you the cabbage recipe.
After that I saw the Australian docotr who discovered that HPylori is the reason we get stomach ulcers. So you need good acid to clean these bugs, which can be done easily. Drink half a cup of water with 1tbsp lemon juice, 1tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar, 1tbsp Raw Honey and pinch of cayenne pepper and pinch of
Sea Salt , half hour before each meal. You are looking for a quick fix. But there aren’t any. You have to this everyday. It took me years to get back to normal, happy state.
I repeat don’t fast till you clear up your ulcers.
Colonoscopy is done from your rectum so it only looks at the colon. Endoscopy looks at your esophagus and stomach. Get an endoscopy if you want to know if you have ulcers. Otherwise do the cabbage juice ritual for a month and you will feel the difference.
Then you can fast.
Best wishes.