I recently completed a 12 day
Water Fast about a month ago. Around day 6 of the fast I broke out a rash that was extremely itchy and only progressed until I decided to stop at day 12. I then started eating again slowly incorporating foods until day four where I felt I could handle heavier foods. I ate a hamburger on that day which was probably a bad idea because my stomach began to hurt. It wasn't the most pain I've felt and it wasn't the first time I've broken a fast incorrectly(I've done other prolonged fasts). Since this fast, my rashes have not gone away. On top of that, my joints seem to engorge, specifically my right thumb joint, toes and fingers. At one point I had a big engorged spot on the bottom of my foot, and my face and lips were puffed up too.
The closest I've been able to come across as to what to call it is nummular eczema, as they resemble a discoid shape. It's been about a month now and my rash hasn't gone away. It's hardly even showed any sign of going away, including a slight pain in my intestines, though that could be due to a steroid shot given to me by a doctor, but to little effect since it came back within a week, and no creams seem to help at all. Some days seem to be worse than others. I've considered maybe trying to do another shorter fast to undo the effects caused by the last one, but I'm not sure if that would work. I don't know what other options I have. I've never had eczema or rashes of any kind before doing this.