Do you have a donor for a new liver? if you don't then I would not stop doing them. Id also take supplements like milk thistle, etc.
Stones are made out of cholesterol and bile and bilirrubin. What is cholesterol mostly, saturated fat. Saturated fat is a very dense type of fat that makes your bile stop being liquid and fomring stones.
Saturated fats come from animal products but also from these hydrogenated trans fat oils, from all the processed food we eat, even bread is made with these nasty oils. And from all the refined sugars and refined pasta we eat which ends up converting into fat and fermenting. In other words, bad nutrition and bad habits like not drinking water or excersicing, eating at bad times or eating before the digestion is over will contribute to form stones. Alcholol will also produce stones as that transforms into fat.
I forgot to add that good fats are necessary for your health, good fats are found in stuff like flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, unrefined virgen olive oil, avocado, nuts, etc. These fats are necessary cause they are essential, they are necessary for your brain health, for your vitamin and mineral absorbtion, to keep your bile liquid.
You need to eat a diet that has plenty of fiber so all the bad fat is flushed when you evacuate. This means not eating dead bodies cause that will cause constipation and whith that more and more stones. You need to have a diet that is mostly alkaline cause these dead bodies ppl are eating and these trans fat and refined sugars are all very acidic, guess what happens with such dense type of fat on an acidic body? they coagulate! they form stones! it will also contribute to a series of diseases.