Hi Dr. Jeff,
I recently started your Candida Plan. For some reason, Vitamin C is extremely stimulating for me. I tried just one Detox Essentials pill, but I wasn't able to tolerate it. I was wondering if you have any ideas on what I can do to better tolerate Vitamin C or if there are other supplements I can take in place of the Detox Essentials?
Other things besides Vitamin C that are also extremely stimulating for me are Glutathione, L-glutamine, Milk Thistle, Vitamin B12 and Zinc.
A bit of background-
I've been in bad shape for a few years now. I was prescribed antibiotics for eight years for acne and also Accutane. I started having skin rashes about five years ago and then problems with digestion, food sensitivities, adrenal fatigue, histamine issues, blood sugar, brain fog, insomnia and fatigue for the last three years. I'm pretty sure I have leaky BBB now too.
Thank you.