What' does the healing phases look like? Does it start out with inflammation-->several layers of crusting and peeling and it gradually turn smaller--> then hopefully you see vertical natural lines-->then pink healthy skin?
is this the right order of phases? Also I'm not sure if this question is answered a lot but is the thick "scab like things" are they non viable necro tissue. Meaning that they should be removed because they blocked the formation of new skin? They appear yellow in color because of the white blood cells rushing to the wound area to fight bacteria and sometimes they leak pus like fluid because the wound area is on an area that is constantly moving so it does that to clean itself. So what when we are seeing these yellow scabs it's just Dead skin/cells laying on the bed bed that should be removed? Also should the scab look more clear and not yellow? Sorry for lots of questions that's probably been answered already but I just need some thoughts. Thank you!