Since my 73 y.old mum survived a Lung cancer WISELY using ONLY THOSE alternative health care approaches, that the most efficient because they work in collaboration with NATURE rather than oppose it : the DETOX and HOMEOSTASIS restoration, I`ve learned about very similar DETOX , HEALTHY ORGANS REGENERATION and HOMEOSTASIS restoring technology that just like INFO WAvE therapy, used by my mum and daughter to restore Homeostasis, (that advanced the cure of mom's cancer and daughter`s Asthma),, that have NO analogs anywhere in the World and that was classified for more than 30 years ( kept top secret from the rest of the World, while used on matters of national interest (for the fastest recuperation of health and curing serious health conditions of Russian military personnel ONLY). No one self-respecting Military administration and even Nasa would ever waste a cent on health debilitating pharma drugs, they will spend millions instead on developing BREAKTHROUGH health care technologies, for an example such as Flurevites signaling molecules compounds or INFO WAVE THERAPY, that cure diseases on a cellular level, by restoring Homeostasis.
Homeostasis restoring Flurevites and mind-blowing new generation nano-cosmeCEUTICAL line (with healing properties as well) that has no analogs anywhere in the world - the result of the long-term researchers that aimed at finding the mechanisms and substances which are carrying out regulation of an organism as a biological system.
Due to unique secret technologies of creating Flurevites, that during last decades proved the highest ever efficiency of health recuperation and curing incurable diseases, became declassified and available worldwide now.
Doctor I. Yamskov, one of the co-founders of nano technologies, related to extracting bio-regulative signal molecules was granted by the Kremlin the medal for improving the health of the nation.
The group of the Russian scientists (working at Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds and the Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology (IDB RAS) under the leadership of the Doctor of Chemistry professor Igor Yamskov and the Dr.Sci.Biology professor Victoria Yamskova has discovered these surprising unique compounds – biopolymers of an extracellular matrix (MICRON) and has developed a way of their extraction and use in promoting DETOX, restoring HOMEOSTASIS and REGENERATING HEALTHY ORGANS AND TISSUES MEDICINE. These regulatory compounds have been found not only in the majority of tissues of mammals but also in tissues of plants and mushrooms. Flurevits successfully used by many Russian private clinics, including the clinic of Dr A. Myasnikov, who used to be one of the President's doctors.
Flurevites that named Vioftans promoting significant restoration of the eyesight, impaired by "incurable" cataract and glaucoma. Flurevites that named Viorgons apart from HEALTHY ORGAN REGENERATION, used for successful restoration of hearing, bone and connective tissues, etc. Flurevites are water solutions of the particular proteinaceous peptide compounds allocated from an extracellular matrix of animals (bioflurevits), tens of thousands plants (fitoflurevits) and mushrooms (mikoflurevits) in low concentration. In biology, the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a collection of extracellular molecules secreted by cells that provide structural and biochemical support to the surrounding cells. Cell adhesion, cell-to-cell communication, and differentiation are common functions of the ECM. The name "Flurevit" is formed from Latin words - "Fluidum regulator vitae" which interprets as "the life regulating liquid" means.
Flurevites really activate mechanisms of self-regulation of an organism, promoting restoration of structure and organ`s functions and body tissues to their natural norms.
In process of Flurevites production company Aclon using the proteinaceous and peptide complexes taken from tissues of healthy young animals, plants, and mushrooms carefully controlling their quality.
It should be noted that water solutions of these regulatory connections are especially effective at ultra low concentration.This feature causes safety of all Aclon production made on their basis: at concentration 10 — 14 – 10 — 16 M they make adverse effects neither on separate tissues not on an organism in general.
Besides they keep the properties for many years and are steady against various influences, including temperature.Thanks to the unique properties of Flurevits, that designed to help an organism to awaken the hidden reserves, the cells of tissues and bodies work more intensively, to regenerate, rejuvenate them and to restore to natural norm (eliminating the previous pathology) Being a part of the natural mechanism of self-control, Flurevites are just as harmless as a cup of purified water and that is confirmed not only by 15 million tests, performed on Flurevits, but also by results of long-term researches and administering / applications of Flurevits in practice. Its highly recommended to administer Flurevites before the disease became developed because the practice of using Flurevites for over 30 years indicated clearly: THE MORE OUR EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX polluted with the toxins (pesticides, pharma drugs, chemo, name it) the longer required to consume Flurevits. Some people reach fast recovery from pathology, but some for several months observe extensive drainage of mucus and toxins from the body, that keeps decreasing first before the obvious pathology eliminating.