Please help! I have met someone online (we are both 35+) and we had been in a long distance relationship for a few months now. Our first meet is coming up soon - although I am excited, I am also a bit concerned. He's been on a 30 day
Water Fast to loose weight and for all the other health benefits - our meet will take place on day 31. I.e. presumably 1 day after his fast ends (if natural hunger returned by then). His libido did not diminish during the fast and we've been looking forward to our first intimate, sexual experience together. BUT - will he be able to perform? Wouldn't his energy levels be very low? I want to know what to expect - if he is overreaching, I'd like to be prepared. Because honestly, just spending physical time together (i.e talking, cuddling, sleeping next to each other) will be fine if that is all he'll be able to manage.