I bought a topical probiotic spray, and sprayed that over my lips and in my mouth anywhere between 2-5 times a day. I akso bought a progreens supplement with probiotics inside as well. Ive taken a lot of
Antibiotics over the last 2 years so I suspected my gut flora was messed up. My diet isnt that healthy, especially once I saw improvement, but I'm trying to eat cleaner. I sleep at least 8 hours a day, but I sleep late and wake up late so I'm not sure if that helps or hinders my healing.
I also use organic raw shea butter as a moisturizer once or twice a day. After approximately a month, my lips look a lot better and have thinner peels. However the area affected has not changed at all. Physically I gained a lot of confidence as I dont look too abnormal now.Its the best ive looked since december of last year and maybe I'm not curing it, but I'm making it a lot more managable.
I also tried rinsing off my lips once a day or once every two days and then immediately patting them dry. Before I would always keep water off them, and I dont know if that helped or not. I did it for approximately 2 weeks. Everythings looking pretty good, im going to keep it up for a while to see if I continue to improve or not.