Are you being deliberately obtuse?
...ppl who understand...
For goodness sake woman, get a grip.
Sounds good, except for the 'tata salad. Not so keen on that, unless it's sweet 'tata. & I love me my seafood. But what are cowboy beans? I flavour mine with Worcester and Sriracha Sauce.
And since you asked, that pineapple ice cream I made today is simply sensational. Quite possibly the best ice cream I've ever made. The missus agrees, so this isn't a simple case of blowing my own bugle.
Not bad for my first attempt, huh?
I gave up on putting anchovy in my ice cream long ago.
I noticed some slight curdling of the clotted cream I used in the recipe - it's quite tricky to avoid completely, but it's heavily masked after the first turn, and not noticeable in either the taste or texture. Both are off the scale. Off the planet even.
Thx for the hi-5. And I always tidy up after myself.
I think I found your cowboy beans:
Old wives tale?
You confusing the colour of my ice cream with the gospel according to trapper? It's a kinda pale yellowy-green, but the yellow part probably has a lot to do with the custard I use in my recipe. I've got some green food colour, so I might be able to 'correct' it later if I need to.
As for how it turned out, I'll let ya know after it's finished and some judicious 'market' testing - mainly the family, and a couple of friends. So far, it shows every sign of matching the excellence of my pineapple effort. My only doubt is whether I used enough pistachio butter, but that can easily be adjusted after the event.
What's left to do you say? Well, my dilemma is that I have 4 different pistachio flavourings (one of which is my own 'creation'), soon to be 5. I'm curious to find out which one gives the best result, and it occurred to me that the only practical way to achieve that is to divide the batch into 4 smaller tubs, and try out all 4 flavours in a side-by-side taste test.
I know, absolute torture, so I hope you'll be thinking of me as I put myself through that horrendous ordeal. BTW, how would you describe the flavour of pistachio ice cream? It sure as trapper ain't nothing like the nut.
Yawning, so I'd better get me some shut-eye.