20 years ago I searched the internet for Dr. Hay Books, to my surprise the American Doctor was popular in Europe after his death and dozens of "diet" books were written "using" his name and referred to as THE HAY WAY.
Dr. Hay was the original Food Combination Doctor. Sadly it seems few ever learned what Dr. Hay was teaching in his original book.
Dr. Hay was not preaching food combinations----actually the staff at his clinic came up with all the alternative diet because they all understood the americans were never going to live on human foods in North America.
Dr. Hay Proved in the New York Colleges that the stomach was alkaline and that the medical "acid" theory was 100% wrong, same as it is 100% wrong today, which makes all medical doctors as backwards today as they were 90 years ago.
Dr. Hay wrote 1 book, he called it is "little" book which took him 1 afternoon while fasting on his Lake Erie Island Beach while sun bathing in the nude.
The goal of his book was "simple"---he writes it very simply " To make everyone their own Physician".
A very small hardback book in brown cover. I can only assume that the young baby boomers at the time period had no interest, because their fathers had been murdered in world war 1 and world war 2 was being planned to exterminate the rest of the strong men; leaving mothers and children to put their trust in vaccinations and medical.
KEEP in mind, people had very little electric if any and with out refrigeration living on a fruit tree diet is not an easy thing when you live way too far north such as Pennsylvania where Dr. Hay had his SUNRISE CLINIC.
Note worthy is that as soon as Dr. Hay passed on--the gov destroyed the clinic and a motel / resort type building replaced it as they tried to erase the history of the sunrise clinic.
The clinic relied on the magnesium rich water / hot spring type facility and the sole reason for building the clinic at that spot.
99% of the people today have no clue the ability of natural magnesium for human health.
At least 1 large hard back book was produced after Dr. Hay's first book, but best i could tell it was created by his staff from putting together Dr. Hay's news letters/writings.
I chose to call his little book---BOOK 1 for 1 reason---if you can't understand his simple book---then you need to stay with that book until you do, because you can't go forward as long as you refuse to understand the basics.
My experience has been that older highly educated people or just older people in general can't accept the book---they hate diet books period. They hate medical authors that do not preach drugs---because the baby boomer generation were trained in schools on wrong pyramid diet education and to put their total trust in drugs………..being so brain washed, most could never finish the Dr. hay book….
WHY? Because parents hate to understand that they poisoned their children and them selves---so they refuse to read such books that explains truths about why they are dying and why parents have filled the cemeteries with their dead children.
The occult authors were believed to get their desire to tell the truth because of spiritual gift and more often than not---their teachings were not accepted while they were alive.
IF you read multiple authors that called them selves occult authors or others could see that they were occult authors---it is easy to see they all have 1 thing in common-------no desire to make $$$ by selling stuff. Their interest was in helping children and people in general experience less suffering while on earth.
Many old medical books have been re-printed in paper back and you can find maybe 15,000 of them on line.
The reason for a study guide comes from an herbal occult author Dr. John R. Christopher. With out a study guide---you read the words at face value based on how you were trained to read----------------and that is like reading the Bible for the first time-----it just seems like allot of words and stories that you don't really understand at all.
A good study guide "compares" what other authors learned and "connects" with what this author was teaching…….a great example is the author HOTEMA, he wrote 50+ books and because he loved the Bible---the information in his books relates back to earth history and he as well, is the only author I have ever known of that "unveiled" the Bible and made it simple to understand. He unveiled PAUL of the new testament and believed that the only 2 real men of the Bible was Elijah and Paul and that really does not make allot of sense unless you move 2,000 years into the future and study the life and times of a family believed the same Paul trained their dad and when his dad traveled the planet healing people---the same Elijah enabled the hearings--the same type of hearings recorded in the new testament - only giving the credit to the pope's jesus. Anyone reading the new testament should quickly see that Paul/Jesus was the same person, only the pope's tried to control the history their way.
So if you read all the Hotema Books, the great old Medical authors similar to Dr. Hay, all of which seemed to be CIVIL WAR BABIES born around 1865 and were great doctors by 1890's to 1930's----if you connect them all together, then you see that Dr. Hay was 100% correct about alkalinity and it scared Harvard/Yale/Rockefeller to death---to the point the entire medical establishment world wide "changed" to the dark side in fear that if humans understood their health---they would never ever give all their $$$ to the white coats.
For those reasons medical became the gov and the gov libraries literally burned the greatest medical authors books……
The copy I have came from my wife's grandmother who was into self-health and herbs, etc. in the 1940's-60's and traveled america recording religious tent hearings on reel to reel and while traveling she purchased all health books she found and a library in Pennsylvania had what we would call a garage sale today and in the book sale--was all the medical books the library was dumping and she purchased most of them for 5-10 cents each.
When she died, no one wanted the books and they were going put them in the city dumpster--luckily I came along and seen what they were throwing away and took a truck load of them home. The same with medical doctors----a local M.D. died---no one wanted his huge medical book library loaded with all the blue and brown books of medical requirement------literally hundreds and hundreds of pounds of them…….I purchased them all for $15 at an auction---stupid me offered $15 for my first bid; i could have gotten them for $1.
In those medical books, the blue surgical book of the 1940's in the section of gallbladder surgery, you learn that soybean lecithin was the cure, but then you read 400 pages of how to cut the gallbladder out to make $$$$$. You also can understand that this is where Dr. Hulda Clark came up with her liver flush using epsoms salts.
In the annual brown medical journals sent to every M.D. in the country, you get to see which doctors were successful at curing what diseases-----there you can find the 2 orange juice doctors, Dr. Hay and Dr. Jackson----2 doctors they went down in print as having the cure for all.
THE DIET CURE that starts with orange juice fasting.
A BASICALLY FREE CURE all people world wide could do……..
Dr. Jackson was so successful proving that an old near death man could be turned into a physical superman, that his books are no so easy to come by……..I had his original book in grannies collection, but obtaining his later books proved difficult and often cost $800+ to obtain 1 and his news letters and smaller books seem to be all gone------
most amazing is this----Dr. Jackson gave his land for the Toronto Zoo and his reputation to this very day in Canada is that he was a QUACK……..as newspapers still put him down many many many years after his death………..which only proves how organized the news media is with the gov/medical empire.
I took the original first copies, chopped them up, put them in a scanner and made word files……………….later as libraries have destroyed their paper books and paid flunkies to scan books and give for free on the internet as picture type pdf
files----almost every book is missing pages……………so I learned that if you are going to do it, you have to do it your self.
MANY of the old medical books reprinted in paper back by the best company in the world has the same problem---you get to the best part and then WHAM a page is missing…….so when possible, buy the original hard back.
Anyone understanding
Dr. John R. Christopher (herbal doctor)
Dr. Howard Hay, M. D.
Dr. Jackson
will understand human health better than any medical college on this planet today----your education would cost about $200
which would include another 75 books explaining earth/human health history.
Otherwise you could read 100+ great books by various authors on every subject of the human body, from diet, color, air, feet, brain, you name it---BUT Dr. Hay trusted our red blood cells………and that is what I call the first step. TRUSTING GOD'S Design via the red blood cells---the life, your life is in your blood.
Dirty food clogs you up and that feeds your worms.
Is a medical joke on all people world wide
By world war 1, the goal was embed down part animal/human slaves and selected which races live and which do not by medical/military design. It all started with Harvard, they hated people who stole, hated people that did not look like them and they created world war 1 in cooperations with the other gov/colleges and manufactures who supplied all sides.
The PRE WORLD WAR 1 doctors by 1899 understood human health and some of their cures using simple water and correct foods could change the entire look and health of a human in just 30 days and by 1930's they all understood a group of people that the men never died a natural death and at age 250 they looked like their 22 year old sons……….the only way gov/med could take over the earth was to train children in gov/pub schools to believe they can only live via the white coats that inject them with vaccines and drugs and eventual operations and women were targeted to create deformed children and sterilization by age 50----
abusing women and children their greatest desire and goals now for 95 years…..creating endless torture and suffering world wide that "feeds" the military/medical/pope agenda…..
Dr. Hay did allot, but to survive today…Dr. Hay education is no more than 1/6th of any survival education.
By 1965 they wanted you dead by age 65
By 1992 they want you dead by age 40
They want the pregnant women to be made 'toxic" to produce deformities, cancers, diabetes and endless future $$$ for the white coats…and for 95 years, they want single parent homes producing slaves for military/prison use….
Dr. Hay Understood that long before anyone was born today….he protested the gov and the gov vaccination programs. HE PROVED drugs and operations were wrong---because when he was a dumbed down doctor--he was the best M.D. / Surgeon in America…..when he learned about about orange juice to save his own life---he self-educated himself and learned about the alkaline stomach.
Sadly some of the highest medical educated old farts today---can skim read the Dr. Hay book and can't understand it at all……….you basically have to hold their hand and read for them, because in colleges they learned how to skim read and never "understand".
Dr. John R. Christopher was the master of the study guide………and he understood that for any doctor to go past the Master Herbalist Level was entering into an agreement with the gov/colleges and the art of being brain washed for GREED/$$$$/POWER
In fact, the true doctor should be every mother on this planet…….you know---the ones the catholics burned as witches with the churches blessings.
HOTEMA was a pastor / free mason--his books will make you depressed as HE SETS YOU FREE via the past 2,000 years of history of the first church/gov and human health.
When you learn that all your teachers were evil people seeking to brain wash you and make you distrust GOD…it is depressing for a few years……..then you understand the white coats, etc. etc. are all in the same position and none of them understand it and they all believe they are the good people-----you may if you are a lucky soul understand the ancient saying:
It is harder for a man to go through the eye of a needle than to get to heaven.
YET, the innocent child understands God's Ways if permitted by their parents….in fact, all the important cure of the Dr. Hay Book is accepted as fact by little children…not one would disagree.
I have always said, the only way you can set your self free---is to DE-EDUCATE YOUR SELF……..RETURN TO NATURE. Doctors were writing such titles long before I was ever born……
With computers, they are continuing to destroy the good books…………
You can turn those computers around and make correct copies of the old books and preserve them electronically.
PAPER and PENCIL WORKS BEST via the STUDY GUIDE METHOD………today's public schools are producing children that when they write their name most people could not read it……..via computers/phones students are being taken down a ill path of not being able to care for them selves.
Once you learn---then you know that the politicians that want you to have free medical are the ones that are pro depopulation. The ones that never ever talk about chem / germ warfare that was started in 1915 to date….
In fact, take everything the west coast politicians push and it is 100% leading to your pre-mature death is so many ways and to die that way is not a good outcome if you believe anything ever written in an ancient bible.
The sole goal is to trust God and obey Nature's Laws, not man's laws. The bibles make it as clear has humanly possible that humans are not to follow the world (gov). Organized humans are always anti-God.
BOOKS can be very deceiving ---I know many people, especially nurses that when they read the Dr. Hulda Clark's Books, they called it the Bible------why? Because it mixed vitamins/science/parasites etc. in a way that made them feel set free and also that their education was OK, because they really did want to help people and their education from the schools was holding them back…………….BUT, Dr. Clark like so many other authors, blended in just enough "good" to lure in the innocent into using toxic methods…….to the point, that the truth that her books should have all been called the reason for cancer and not the cure for cancer.
BAD books can suck you in for YEARS…wasting your life away…..
FREEDOM of bad education is not an easy thing to swallow…
The occult doctors will set you free and once freedom starts, it never stops…..you seek freedom in all expects of your life---you will hate liars of all forms.
Dr. John R. Christopher very much was an occult author--not one that only printed it because he was mormon…but clearly explained it in his writings for those that recognize a free person. He made it very clear that even though his parents dumped him as a baby, he knew that he could do anything he wanted on earth.
Dr. Christopher wrote that if you don't understand your diet, you will fail, herbs can not undo your daily diet…same as every good doctor corrected the diet as their cure.
De-Worming is 1/6th the solution----you are born with worms. You will die from lymes. Get those 2 facts in your brain and maybe your brain will seek to change those facts.
YOU will become what your brain believes---so do not idolize your neighbors or anyone else on this planet…..false profits are everywhere, not just the teachers.
bad people have no clue they are bad---so ignore them all.
I put everything I liked in a 502 page paper book……….people really I wrote that book for truly have zero interest in reading it---so if i print it again, 1/2 the book will not make the second print. it will remain on the USB option if it is never printed again. Luckily a USB can hold more information than anyone could ever or want to read.
Book is $25 or BOOK and USB is $108
For $108 you have the greatest health education there is,,,,,,,,if people would have had the interest, i would have scanned every old book I liked and put on that USB and made a study guide for each---but that did not happen and will not happen and there is more on that USB than anyone will read ever.
YOU CAN NOT get people to read, they have to want to read.
MOST will not want to understand human health until they are 85% dead.