"That reminds me of something I will insert here. Some of you may know that there is a theory on the web that Jim Morrison became Chevy Chase. It is promoted by the same spooks that promote Bill Hicks becoming Alex Jones. These theories are all misdirection, but in the case of Chase and Morrison, there is a match with the eyes that I confirm. They aren't the same person, but they do have very similar eyes. Well, I have shown the reason for that in recent papers: they are closely related. The Chases and Morrisons come from the same stock, and their families have intermarried many times. Chase and Morrison are hidden cousins, which is why their eyes are very similar. Given that, it is possible the same may be true of Hicks and Jones. Remember, I recently showed the Jones family was involved in the big con at least back to Inigo Jones. I don't know about Hicks. Someone else with more interest in the subject will have to do the genealogies."