1. Fluoride seeks bone and there upsets the beneficial trace metals in the immune system cells formed there. Fluoride is an enzyme poison and reduces the enzyme glutathione based on selenium that clears toxic metals from the body. [Ref 4] Rising levels of fluoride induce toxic metal poisoning and excessive free radical damage to cells from mitochondrial malfunction. It is the prime cause for the HIV pandemic worldwide via manganese availability reduction in cells. Fluoride is the same bone marrow and immune cell health damage effect that Sr-90 presented from nuclear testing due to damage to the RNase L enzyme process that controls viral infections of cells.
2. Fluoride rising in the environment with toxic trace metals like aluminum form AlFx protein that damage G-protein signal systems for TSH, leading to GSH depletion damage of the immune cells in the lymph nodes, cells in other organs and tissues. Fluoride-aluminum complexes shut down the ability of the cells to produce GSH and SOD, particularly in the lymph system's control for varied pathogens in the cells. This is a prime effect for CFS, Cancers, and AIDs.
3. Fluoride is antagonistic toward the generation of melatonin and serotonin in the body and this effect causes the lowering of the age of puberty in children and the rising need for drugs like SSRIs to attempt to control rising problems with sexual promiscuity, rage, and violence.
4. Fluoride upsets the thyroid hormones from both the liver and thyroid process and causes problems associated with rise in obesity to ability to do daily duties.
5. Fluoride levels in the bone literally set the entire progression of human and animal life in this planet. The rise of fluorine in the body determines puberty and decline of learning abilities via melatonin / serotonine effects. The rise of cumulative fluorine determines immune system viability leading to illness and disease over time and literally death. Bone concentrations of fluorine exactly track these developmental phases of humans and even sets up their life-span and death.
6. Fluoride and fluorine are some of the veiled effects spoken about in biblical narratives and the exploitation of this secret of fluorine is used by various political and religion factions to take control of countries like the US.