Hi everyone,
Most of the posts on this forum are pretty old, but a lot of the content really applies to my situation right now. I got my Mirena IUD placed 2 months ago exactly. And honestly it has made me crazy.
My anxiety has been out of this world, to the point of panic attacks and cold sweats, something I have never experienced before. I felt this type of anxiety at the end of my use of the pill which was the reason I decided to switch to the Mirena under the assumption the hormones wouldn't effect me. When I went off the pill for a few weeks before my insertion, I felt leveled out and calm again.
My anxiety constantly revolves around my boyfriend who is WONDERFUL and supportive. I honestly have begun to worry I don't have feelings for him anymore. When these mean thoughts creep up, my anxiety and panic comes back because I know deep down I love this man. It feels like my body is reacting physically to these thoughts. But I can't see him and feel the same way I did even though I know I feel it, almost as if there's a block. I feel crazy just typing this stuff! I should be perfectly happy and in love, just as I was before I started to feel crazy.
My sex drive is nonexistent, and I've become overly sensitive and irritable. I've noticed a pattern as well. My anxiety gets worse and worse as the month progresses until I reach a peak of panic for about a week. Then it slowly starts to release and I feel fine for about 2 days out of the month. Could this be hormones?
I've been obsessively reading stories on here trying to gain some perspective and comfort myself that the Mirena could be the root of all of this anxiety. I'm not even going to mention the physical pain I've been in since the insertion (horrible back pain and nausea, etc.). My doctor believes I have an anxiety disorder and put me on anti-anxiety meds, but I really believe this is the hormones. Can anyone out there offer some comfort or stories of their own?