I recently saw my regular dentist to have my teeth cleaned. No cavities, no gum disease, everything fine. I have been having an awful taste in my mouth however, which is new for me. This not a regular morning breath or bad breath taste, but almost like a rotting taste. For years I have had pantom tooth pain in two root canaled areas. I should note that I have never had a cavity. The two teeth were root canaled due to freak anomolies.
Several years ago I saw a cav specialist who said she didn't really see an obvious cav anywhere. There was a light shadow in one of the areas in question that she wanted to keep an eye on, but she said it didn't look like a cav. Since then my health, which was not good for years before seeing her has gotten progressively worse. I want to have s new scan done, and go back and see her, since she has my previous scan, but would it be better to go to someone else, like for a second opinion? The only other reputable one near me has mixed reviews and is extremely over priced. Plus, he wouldn't have the prior scan to compare the new one to. Thoughts?