I am a 16 year old with persistent
Body Odor that will not go away. I cannot smell myself, but I have tried so many remedies including an armpit detox. I have one question. For people with urine smelling bo (someone told me to her friend I smell like urine so that's how I found out) and persistent gas, did you try the zinc and kelp remedy? I have tried chlorophyll and it did not work. Anything that y'all have tried including zinc and kelp? Results? Anything else I should try along with zinc and kelp?
Thanks for taking your time to reply.
My plan for when I try zinc and kelp
1.) One 50mg pill of zinc (morning and night)
2.) Two 150mg pills of kelp (morning and night)
3.) One teaspoon of organic coconut oil on an empty stomach (to maintain body pH)
4.) One cup of earl grey black tea to drink instead of coffee in the morning
p.s: If you would like to know, my underarms get sticky w/ even nothing on them. I gave up on deoodrant as it was just making me smell worse. I don't know if this makes any difference though. Just for thought.
I will try this plan for a week to two weeks to see if it works. I will post my results and get back to you guys after that.