I like my drinks warm, or at least not cold. Can I add some warm or even hot water to my water kefir just before I drink it. or will this damage the probiotic effect?
dont warm it up you will destroy the probiotics effect but example if you do water kefir just leave it out on your counter and drink it after a couple of hours but some of the kefir you can leave it out and some you have to store it in the fridge
Actually what I have done is: pour half a mug of kefir drink, fill it up with lukewarm water. The result: a mug full of not very cold half strength kefir. I expect that does not affect the probiotics?
PS nice picture you gave me .....
(Several weeks later:) these days I just warm up the kefir slightly in an enamel pan. Stick my finger in to check it doesn't get too warm. And drink - lovely.