Do NOT use milk of magnesia. This will interfere with the fast and cause your digestive system to power back up. The alternative to the salt water flush is to use the senna leaf or laxative tea morning and night. This is specified as an acceptable alternative in Dr. Burroughs' book. You can adjust the laxative qualities of the tea by the number of minutes the tea steeps - less than 5 for a moderate effect - 10-15 for a maximum effect.
Having said that, I would recommend trying the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) one more time as many people do it incorrectly in the beginning. You are supposed to use warm, not hot, water so the water is the same as your body temperature. Along with 2 tsp (not TBS) of uniodized salt, the saline mixture should pass right through your system. If it doesn't work the second time, switch to Smooth Move tea in the morning.
As to your pain, I doubt it was a result of the salt as you probably ingest as much salt in your daily diet off the fast. More likely, the pain is a result of toxins being washed through your system and your body being unaccustomed to processing so much liquid. Keep the faith and trust your body to work out the toxins. You will know when something is really wrong. Best of luck.