My hair is growing like a weed! I've never had baby hairs popping out of my head like they are right now.
When I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue 1.5 years ago, my hair was the thinnest of my life.
I actually thought of cutting my long hair off because it didn't look like my normal thickness.
But friends kept saying they didn't notice it looking bad at all. So, thank goodness, I didn't chop it off.
Then 6 months later, I was on the raw food diet. My skin and hair started getting better and better. And by this past summer, my skin and hair didn't show any sign that I was ever sick. My hair was it's usual thickness.
As my nutrition went up, my hair started growing better. I massage my scalp daily until it feels warm and glowing. I didn't know how it would affect my hair growth.
My normal thickness has gotten even thicker! I also think it is growing faster than the normal 1/2"/month.