Thanks for your response, I just checked my pressure and pulse, it is 141/90 and BPM is 90. I am waiting for the doctor to ring me, I think I am going to get a hard time over the iodine. I was hoping it was the chlorella that was giving me a detox symptom, but my pulse has been up since last night. Usually my blood pressure is quite normal. Last time I checked my resting bpm a week ago it was 75. I have been taking 200mcg of selenium for over a year but I only started increasing
Iodine above the rda in september. I'm stopping the
Iodine and anything else other than the salt water and companion nutrients for now and see what the "urgent care" team say when they ring me. UPDATE, doctor rang and wants to see me at the surgery in 30 minutes time with all the supplements I am taking - not looking forward to it!
Just got back from the doctors, she made my BP 129/76, bpm 79 and temp 37.1 and said all was well - she was ok with the supplements apart from the
Iodine (obviously), I am fairly sure now it was a reaction to the chlorella - I took 3gms a day for 4 days and I think it may have stirred up some nasties. Shall go back to spirulina, I seem ok with that.