Did y'all know that according to Kat Kerr, we lived and played inside of God and we were friends and then he decided to send us to this stinkin earth and we agreed to come. Who knew, cause that sure ain't in the bible. But Kat Kerr supposedly gets all those special revelations and other stuff the rest of us don't. I skipped all the name it claim it decree it for me it stuff for you to get to the part I'm talking about:
Now having said that, I want to explain my thoughts about the reason I'm responding to you now and why I don't always respond.
For one, by commenting to this post I have now jumped on your bandwagon. Not God's bandwagon. For you are judging other christians to see if they will agree with you that this view is not biblical. If I don't respond you will say I'm in agreement with that belief, if I do, then it is expected that I agree with everything else you do about the issue. I do not have the same bandwagon mentality to agree with every personal reason why you are posting this. For I am not against the pentecostal people of faith. Do some of them have beliefs that are off? Or even way off. Yes, but so does yours and mine. However, they do believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. That he died on the cross for our sins, died, rose again and will return one day to be together with us forever.
I find nothing wrong with you posting this point about Kat Kerr's off belief, but by doing so, does not mean that I have to agree with everything else that you are against pentecostals about.
It's also one of the reasons why I don't promote the awareness of NAR as much with you anymore. In such a case the mouth becomes mightier than the sword in the sense that we may feel righteous for standing up for biblical principles, but at the same time, tear down the very structure that God has asked us to build up.
Refreshed, you said the other day that I gave a misrepresentation of you in my assessment of these years of debates. I didn't think that was true, but apparently you did.
But I have to say, this is a really skewed assessment of me. I have never in any sense expected anyone to believe everything I believe on this issue or any other issue.
And I am certainly not against Pentecostal people of faith, those that believe in the true Jesus.
But what Kat Kerr is talking about is not christianity. It is flat out New Ageism, and Mormonism as you pointed out. What she is saying completely obliterates christianity altogether. You don't have to agree with me about that. I don't expect it. But yes, absolutely, my belief is that this woman is not teaching christianity. I have a right to say that just like anyone else has a right to say whatever they say on here.
And to be honest, I don't want you on my bandwagon. You'd make the ride too bumpy. lol
So what exactly does that mean to you? If a person has one thing that is off within christianity they are not a christian? Or maybe two things? Three or four things? Or perhaps not believe exactly like you?
I just agreed with you that I do not think what was stated was biblical. However, I do believe she professes Christ as her Savior. I agree with Rainy that I don't think she is New Age or Mormon, but sometimes people may have some error mixed in at times. I know you and your fine tooth comb will catch that tangle if there is one...for sure.
You most certainly can say and believe whatever you want. You do not seem to be aware that I am explaining "my" thoughts here. Of course you are not going to see what I see...you are not me.
As far as I can tell Kat is not a teacher or a preacher. She is just a witness to what God is doing in her life.
You said "So what exactly does that mean to you? If a person has one thing that is off within christianity they are not a christian? Or maybe two things? Three or four things? Or perhaps not believe exactly like you?"
It means someone who believes the essentials of the Christian faith. What Kat Kerr is talking about in that interview obliterates the essentials of the Christian faith.
You said, "I just agreed with you that I do not think what was stated was biblical. However, I do believe she professes Christ as her Savior. I agree with Rainy that I don't think she is New Age or Mormon, but sometimes people may have some error mixed in at times. I know you and your fine tooth comb will catch that tangle if there is one...for sure."
It does not matter what she professes outwardly. Anyone can say the words, "I believe Jesus Christ is my savior." You sent me a video recently of a Muslim saying Muslims believe in Jesus Christ as the true messiah. So what!
When you start digging a little deeper you see their "Jesus" is not the same as the Christian Jesus.
Watch this video for more clarification of what I'm saying. People make up their own Jesus. The NAR have made up their own Jesus, that is not the same as the one in the bible. Their Jesus may not have the same characteristics as the one in the video, but I just want you to see the concept:
You said, "As far as I can tell Kat is not a teacher or a preacher. She is just a witness to what God is doing in her life."
Kat Kerr is certainly a teacher, a teacher of a false religion. She is also a leader in the NAR, which is a false religion. And how prominent is Kat Kerr? She was at the inaugural prayer breakfast leading prayer.
One of the biggest tell-tale signs that the NAR has a different Jesus than the Jesus the bible speaks of is that they confirm the Catholics have the same gospel they do. They'll say they have some theological differences, sure, but the core gospel is the same, and that is why they are so gung ho to join up with them. And believe me, any theological differences they do have will start to disappear too. They are already starting to adopt one another's pagan practices, New Ageism, etc. such as necromancy, an abomination according to the bible. But they'll deceive all their followers with their necromancy, etc. by telling them it's just "extra biblical revelation" and God told them to go suck dead spirits out of the graves and elsewhere. And they love talking to dead people, and praying to them. They probably love seeing them too. The movie "Sixth Sense" is probably one of their favorites. :(
"Praying to the dead is strictly forbidden in the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:11 tells us that anyone who “consults with the dead” is “detestable to the Lord.” The story of Saul consulting a medium to bring up the spirit of the dead Samuel resulted in his death “because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance” (1 Samuel 28:1-25; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14). Clearly, God has declared that such things are not to be done."
---Michael Houdmann (Got questions guy)
Essentials of the faith? What does that mean to you? I don't agree with your version of end times. Is that the Essentials of the Faith as well? It sounds more like the Essentials of Calvinism to me.
Look, if you don't know how what Kat Kerr is talking about obliterates the essentials of the christian faith, even from an Arminian standpoint, then I can't help you. Figure it out, or don't. It does seem like even the basics cannot be agreed on amongst us all.
And that is the very reason that the NAR will continue to thrive and gain power, and be one of the chief enemies to the gospel of Christ, because so-called christians don't even know what the basics are anymore.
I'm afraid that in order to get the point across to you as to what's so wrong with what Kat Kerr is saying, I would have to explain to you what all of christianity is. We would have to start from the very beginning. And maybe that's what you need to do. Go read Genesis and maybe you'll figure it out.
But hey, just cause I'm nice like this, I'll get you started. Man was created from DUST! Do you understand what that means? We were NOTHING before God breathed life into us. We were not these perfect little spirit beings running around inside of God. The former is humbling. The latter builds up pride in people's heads and do you want to know why they teach that we were these little spirit beings before we came to earth? Because they want to get you to believe we were on the same level as Jesus Christ when we came to this world. That is all over the place in their teachings. Jesus is to be put on the level of man, and man raised to the level of Jesus. "We are little Gods!" The very title of the Kat Kerr video I posted was implying that her explanation of us being little spirit beings before we came to this earth is why we should be called Gods!
Genesis 2:7
7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.
Genesis 3:19
"for you are dust,
and to dust you shall return.”
Then how about the essential Christian doctrine of original sin? We were born sinners, having inherited the sin nature from Adam. How can that be if we were these perfect little spirit beings running around so happily in God? God even had to ask our permission to be able to send us here, according to Kat Kerr. This is not the same Holy Sovereign God who created us from the dust of the ground that I read about in the scriptures, that never asks our permission for anything he does!
The NAR hates the doctrine of original sin and you can find them teaching against it all over the place.
That's just getting started. When you keep going with all this, for those that have eyes to see, it becomes clear that the NAR religion is anti-christianity. It's a false religion, with a false gospel.
Did I not say that I disagreed with what she said. There is no way I can say one way or another about Kat Kerr, nor am I defending NAR. I'm not her relative, or her friend or anyone that knows her well enough to know what the truth is about the other things you posted about her.
I asked about your thoughts about me and whether my difference from you on end times was an essential of faith.
You were arguing against my point that what Kat Kerr teaches goes against the essentials of the Christian faith. And my post was to show you, even if I just barely got started, that what she teaches goes against the essentials of the Christian faith.
But here you go trying to change the subject as usual and bring in all kinds of confusion by taking this back to the subject of the end times, which I've said so many times already, is not an essential to the christian faith (unless someone brings in some kind of really heretical end times view, which no doubt that could happen, and dispensational premillennialism as taught by many could be argued as heretical, and certainly full-preterism is heretical, but that's a whole nother debate).
But these other things, discussed in my post above, are essential. Now do you agree with that or not?
But I think Thorn's little seconds long video said it best. "BLASPHEMY!" is all that's needed to describe Kat Kerr's teachings. Maybe one day, Lord willing, you all will see this. But to continue in this conversation until then, seems ridiculous.
Listen, I understood your point and am finished with it. I am not easily lead by the nose in these discussions. I will ask a question or decide what to share or not share for myself.
I know where you get your sources, so I can't say if they are even true. But yes, we need true believers that at least have the basics. I'm just not sure that your "essentials of faith" are the basics only.
My sources Refreshed? I'm listening to these people talk out of their own mouths and then comparing it to the one source we should all be comparing these things to, the bible.
But even that will never be good enough for you all. You can't recognize the blasphemy coming out of their mouths but I can.
I can't account for "these people". You were discussing Kat. The fact that Kat rubs elbows with these people does not mean that she believes everything that they do. If so then you better start reconsidering our president because he invited her into his circle.
Uhhhhh hello!, I posted a video with Kat Kerr talking out of her own mouth. Did you miss that somehow? And it was pure "BLASPHEMY!" So I don't have to listen to anymore sources after that to know she's a heretic!
And I thought I made that clear about Trump along time ago, that of course I'm leary of him because of the very people he invites to represent Christianity to the world, which apparently he's gung ho about himself. It's all about Power and Dominionism, yeahhhh baby, whooohooooooo!!!
And Thorn is over here just excited about riding a T-rex on the way to his starship that he will take to the portal where he can teleport around heaven. Then he will learn to fly like super-man on the way to "the rush", which is a roller-coaster, even though between me and you, I think he's full of crap because he hates roller-coasters. But Kat Kerr has got him all worked up over her "heaven revelations" about all this. :)
And I said that was wrong...did you not hear that? I'm talking about all the other list of things you added that had to do more with other people who were definitely NAR related. Ok, so now you are going to add our new president to the list of NAR too? If so, I'm jumping off the anti-NAR train before it goes off the track for sure. Because if you are going to add all those other people's false beliefs to another person because she rubbed elbows with them, then the president has to be on your (edit) list as well.
You had better hope he is the anti-christ because if he spends the next 8 years being a great president, I'm going to kick your butt for dragging us through this. ;)
V said: "Because they want to get you to believe we were on the same level as Jesus Christ when we came to this world. That is all over the place in their teachings. Jesus is to be put on the level of man, and man raised to the level of Jesus. "We are little Gods!" The very title of the Kat Kerr video I posted was implying that her explanation of us being little spirit beings before we came to this earth is why we should be called Gods!"
This is a blatant lie. Very few believe this, certainly not any that I follow. We also believe that all have sinned. You are twisting things and lying. I know Kat does not believe we are little gods! I know Kat believes we need to be cleansed of sin by the blood of Christ. You are trying to tie her to false beliefs, but what else is new? That's the way you fight. Kat fights in the spirit realm through prayer. She wouldn't give you the time of day except to pray for you. You fight with lies!
Rainy, the person that made the video for the interview titled the video, "Kat Kerr interview - Why we are called Gods", and they meant that as a good thing. So regardless what you say, I'm not the only one out there putting two and two together and coming to the conclusion that this is what they are saying. And so many of them just come right out and say it, "We are Gods!", for example Kenneth Copeland and his famous line where he smiles every time he reads "I AM" in the scriptures, and then says "I AM too!" Joel Osteen has his famous book out called "I AM" which is all about applying that title to ourselves. Go back and listen to Thorn's little video again, that's all "BLASPHEMY!"
And all these people are so tied together it's not even funny. Really, it's not funny!
So you can make me out to be a crazy liar all you want, but the evidence is there and all over the place, for once again, those that have eyes to see, and ears to hear.