Okay, so here you have positioned yourself as weak & ignorant and me as educated, strong with fancy words . If you are truly ignorant maybe you find many common words and expressions "fancy". By now you may have noticed that Carlin occasionaly gets air time here; fancy words mentors of many.
When you first arrived here, I tried to find something about you by your your words, which at that time put me to mind of somebody from Europe or Asia raised and trained by socialism or perhaps another part of the globe where socialism has been on the rise. You claim to be an American which was a surprise to me given the way you speak, which at times looks like somebody trying to fit in, other times slowly trying to learn/practice sarcasm. In recent years socialism has increasingly been on the rise in America, particularly in American classrooms which are becoming famous for leaving students ignorant and weak. If you are a more recent product of that than I, maybe this helps explain.
On three sides my ancestors arrived in America in the early 1800s, the fourth side is native. I have 13 years formal education K - 12 completed 1977, plus 2 year technical degree. I first came to CZ in 0404 and renewed after the CZ meltdown around 0407. You've been here around 12 months or so.
As far as this goes, you owe me no explanations. Nonethess, like some people who visit here, I try to educate myself by what other people post.