If there is no available
Science research on the topic sometimes the DIY people become the
Science researchers themselves.
But if we ignore good information we often confuse our understanding and the results are likewise confused.
Most people in this CS endeavor were waylaid at an early stage of the story of CS, 15 to 20 years ago, by information which was fraudulent. These aspects to the CS subject were published in lay texts, had web sites created around them, and these erroneous, actual distracting for market share "Red Herrings"(tho I think the original author was just too full of themself to want to look further than their own suppositions), were discussed and used as if facts, and as if they were undebatable topics in the
Science community. So the original misleading and other follower type web sites proposed these faulty truths on CS as if they were completely valid, and we skipped along the path w them.
Griz kept the CS fire alive here on CZ, (thks to his suffering on a bus trip. And if he had found another Medicine that worked well, we probably wouldn't have had these numerous threads this last year), long enough for the debate to finally run a bit of a circle and now slowly people are seeing that as Steve Barwick and his compilation of research studies report:
Only ionic (AG+) kills pathogens, never regular silver atoms (AG)(and tho they do shed AG+ in our body systems, its not as readily done, in quantities needed, for many illnesses, as taught for by some)
Receptor sited proteins offer completely safe haven to these (technically unstable)AG+ in transiting our system.
And having less than 20nm sizes of AG+ particles can mean the difference between strong or weak
Antibiotic capability (and with a CS of less than one nanometer sized particles, the products affect on illness is strengthened numerically).
Low voltage (18V), and a very low milliamperage as the amount of current, and also by using aeration, we easily produce what is needed to make strongly effective product, vs using as much as 48V and multiple amps, with no oxygenating assistance, as previously taught, and thus producing less effective larger particles.
The fear of silver salts in creating CS or in our systems as reason to follow certain procedures was illunderstood and became part of the hoax.
Thks Griz and S Barwick ( and tho I care not for SB's advertising and capitolizing mentality, it's that which probably helped spread the good news of Paul Johnson and the reality of LVDC CS, more than anything I know of).