For those here that have not already, it is a good idea to eliminate gluten as it has been heavily subscribed as a symptom of inflammatory bowel diseases. You may have the disease and not know about it. The lips are indicators/signs of what is happening to the intestines/stomach.
It's been mentioned here many times before but definately worth mentioning it again and for those who haven't I suggest they seek a colonoscopy which will show intestinal disease. There are also GI stool/ blood tests which can show if the body is battling gluten proteins (gliadin antibodies).
If you have other skin issues, extreme fatigue and memory problems, irratic pain, etc etc - you just don't feel yourself and haven't for a long time; it is worth having these diagnostic tests. It's also probably not a good idea to stop eating gluten before having the test, as the longer you go without eating gluten the fewer antibodies will be in the system.
Although the intestines/stomach heal quickly, the antibodies will stay in the body for up to two years after last ingesting gluten. This could explain why some of us may eliminate gluten and for there to be no immediate improvement in their peeling lips.
If you are extremely sensitive to gluten, eating foods and beverages labelled as 'gluten free' may not be enough, as some of these foods contain hidden sources, or trace sources.
I have been 'gluten free' before, but that included the occasional gluten meal, which is NOT gluten free. Apparently it only takes one large portion of gluten to revamp the bodies autoimmune reaction, so if you can eliminate any cheat meals or traces of gluten it is probably for the best.
My symptoms are extensive:
1) itchy rectum (I have become aware of this area becoming irritated after a gluten meal
2) dermatitis on creases of nose, back of ears, chin, back of head scalp, crest line of chest
3) folliculitis of scalp (sore bumps which crust over repeatedly)
4) peeling lips of course, exfoliative chelitis or chelitis of unknwon etiology
5) extreme fatigue, trouble sleeping (insomnia), feeling tired during the day no matter how well rested
6) lichen sclerosus of my penis (foreskin/shaft area) - this is an autoimmune issue, my case ie very mild but it is evident.
7) keratosis pilaris (raised and rough bumps along the back of my arms)
8) from hard to loose and hard stools sometimes in the same day, never consistent, sometimes pain when going to the toilet, sometimes not.
9) weird numbness in hands legs, and toes that comes and goes
10) blurry vision, headaches, sometimes it will be difficult to focus, I will get throbbing pains in my head for no apparent reason
11) loss of genital sensation and ogasm that began around ten years ago. Dryness/dermatitis on head of penis
These are all the symptoms I can think of right now. The leave it alone method failed for me:
This was a 5+ month trial of both leaving the lips alone and leaving the lips alone with moisturiser. It did not work so I can say my peeling lips is not a wound.
I will keep this blog updated as and when there are new/if any developments.
Also, I just want to apologise to anyone here if I have upset them or trambled their feelings, things have gotten very critical for me lately and sometimes it is difficult for that not to come out on other people.
I will be completely gluten free from the end of next week!
Edit : I forgot, here is the photo taken today, worst they have been for some time. I will add a new photo every sunday. It will be a thumbnail this time as the larger size clutters the thread: