Hi everyone, just though id make a post about what ive been doing. I dont want to say im cured but id say im as close as they come.
A while ago there was a post i think her name was lily who said about bathing your lips in
Epsom Salt and water. I tried that for about 2 weeks, bowl of warm water with
Epsom Salts for 5-10 mins, 2 times a day. it was really painful for my back as i was leaning over and it didnt do anything good for my lips.
So i just put some
Epsom Salts in a glass, some hot water to dissolve them and swirled it around. I keep it by my bedside and a couple times a day ill rip off abit of paper towel, like 2x2 inch, fold it in half and soak it, then just put it on my lip for maybe 20-30 minuites. i dont even notice because im on my laptop, when i take it off i kinda rub off whatever excess there is and im good to go. I have peeled off little bits now and then but nothing like before. I dont have to plan peeling like my whole lip the night before a uni lecture for example or an event.
Sometimes when im out walking i look at the reflection of my lips in my phone screen and think, jesus, its so obvious something is wrong, its like a scar. Today i did that on the way shopping and they just looked perfectly normal.
Id recommend trying this, even if it is to just maintain while you find a cure, ive only been doing this for a week or so, so who knows in a month i might be completly cured.
Thanks for all the posts and encouragment, i can finally not have to worry about my lips as nearly as much as i did.