I'm following the book pretty close, started eating "normal" by having some OJ.
Moving up to veg soup tomorrow. Going to go forward with "the Zone" way of eating along with pharmacy grade fish oil. (Has helped me heaps!!!)
Blood Presure started 120 over 80 now 106 over 56
Weight starting 253 lbs, end of 40 days now at 214 (Goal is 190)
I was on a pretty strict diet before I entered the cleanse, so not too many blocks, day 2 was "real bad". I was working too hard in a hot enviornment, it was bad too.
So two really bad days out of 40, not bad. I did this cleanse by going with out stress, wasn't working so I had no excuses. Had trouble with swf, so I only did it 4 times.
Biggest surprise wasn't the weight loss, but a new healthy spirit. I liken it to being born again.
Best thing I have ever done for myself, I encourage all long time MCer's to keep going, and follow up by giving up on the stuff (like process foods) that cause the harm in the first place.
Peace to all, good luck in your MC, MCspirt....