New Kid
Your friend should look what dr.Marc Sircus says, . This is the path i would not hesitate to follow one second if i had cancer/other serious health issue . What comes to my mind first is selenium , selenium can cause apoptosis (programmed cell death) which i believe is a good thing . I been playing myself with a selenium supplement called selenium tung oil , it was created by man called Revici ,which i dont know so much but i feel he find some really important things...
Anyway...i have taked the selenium tung oil so far up to 20 milligrams selenium /day, that`s milligrams and not micrograms and cant say i noticed any toxity, i feel i may run on to copper problems thought, copper deficiency...since well...i loadet with selenium which reacted with some bad heavy metals like mercury, and before all this i had loadet myself with a lot i believe the copper/zinc balance change after i taked a lot more selenium ....becouse mercury binds also to zinc and since i step up selenium quite a bit the balance i had earlyer flipped to maybe too much zinc and that then cause lower copper levels--well my theory anyway ..
Sodium bicarbonate,iodine,magnesium,selenium and cannabinoids. The best
form of natural chemotherapy would include all of these substances. Also . cell phones cause brain cencer,so all EMF is so NO NO. PEMF Therapy is also essential, look for EarthPulse machine which is by definition a time machine to our bodys to have the right natural frequencys that our bodys recognize and use to activate the self healing mechanism going back in time where all this man made elektro smoke that is frying our cell`s and mind`s did not exist.
Selenium is natural chemotherapy agent.Enough oxygen can also fix cancers i believe. Dr.Marc Sircus also have many exellend e-books to sell with reasonable prices, i allready buyed 2 and both are great read.