Help I am so confused and frustrated. I have dealt with candida for years, but I guess I didn't realize how far advanced it was. I have developed an orthostatic intolerance issue, my guess is from struggling adrenals, due to the chronic candida. Simply walking across the room will make my heart race. About three weeks ago I went back on my strict candida eating and as soon as I eat anything my stomach seizes up with gas and bloating and that in turn triggers the rapid heartbeat. I am not eating anything that would flare up the candida, only chicken, veggies and turkey. Two trips to the ER and many tests later show no heart issues, electrolytes are fine, liver enzymes fine, CBC fine, etc.. I have 18
pounds in three weeks due to eating so little (afraid to eat as it makes everything worse), and diarrhea. I have thrush on my tongue, head pressure, green snot/mucus coming out of my nose and throat, trembling, chills, severe anxiety attacks, rapid heartbeat, chapped, scabbed lips, adrenaline surges that wake me up in the middle of the night, dry mouth, headaches, feminine odor and past fungal rashes on my legs. Could all of this current misery be die-off just from the diet-alone? I am not taking any anti-fungals. I have been through lots of die-off in the past, but nothing like this. I am seeing a gastroenterologist this week, and a candida/adrenal/autonomic nervous system specialist a week after that. The most horrible part is the racing heart. It takes me 10 minutes to get up the stairs at night, because my heart is racing so badly. Once I get up there and into bed, it calms down. Does anyone else go through anything like this? Thanks.