Hi, I am experiencing eyebrow loss. It's mainly sparse at the ends or the last 1/3 of the eyebrow. I've also got one bald patch at the end of just one eyebrow. I'd send a picture if I could. I've had eyebrow thinning for ages now but at this time it's exceptionally bad. I really getting desperate and wanting to get tests done to check what's wrong. I've been told by one doctor that no gps will help me as the patch is just a quirk of my body and thinning is just because I'm aging. I'm only 21 though. This looks worse than thinning. I want to find the underlying cause to reverse it. I was thinking of seeing a holistic health doctor or alternative treatment for this but don't know how to find one. I need a recommendation. I'm in uk. I want blood tests done but feel my gp can only do certain things if I'm not mistaken? I want a cute if there is one for this eyebrow loss. I'm getting very distressed and at wits end with it. I don't know any alternative treatment for this. Wondering if anyone knows of any in uk that can test me for what's wrong? Thank you guys. Getting very desperate!