Some questions. Unbiased view and any person experience would really be helpful:
(1) How risky is colonoscopy? Is it worth taking the risks?
I'm battling with parasite problems for years. I feel a big parasite near my stomach, and it is getting even stronger. The doctor has suggested to do colonoscopy to determine some unusual observation in my ultrasound.
I had 3 ultrasound done in the last 3 months, the observations are:
(1) Stable echogenic mass in the liver compatible with an hemagioma
(2) Stable benign appearing cyst in the liver
(3) Persistent fluid in the right lower quadrant again unusual in this male patient and with mildly enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes raises the possibility of a chronic bowel inflammatory process in the appropriate clinical setting
Follow up of the persistent fluid in the right lower quadrant and now with mesenteric lymph nodes with CT scan may be helpful.