Still new to enemas, and really struggling with 2 purely functional elements, can anyone help?
1. The clamp for closing the feed tube is impossible to operate with one hand. I am investigating other ways to control the flow - can anyone recommend? I have found a website called
colonic supplies who will sell a clamp for £16 plus £9 shipping. £9! For one item. Amazon has clamps for body piercing for £8? Anyone know if they are any good? I am sick of spilling fluid on the floor, and also feeling that I have to take the entire contents of the bag in one go.
2. Slightly more personal; sorry. How does one protect one's other 'private parts' from yucky splashback when you release your enema? It also splashed the back of my calf yesterday through the gap between toilet and toilet seat. Noone prepares you for this stuff, and it's vile.
Like many of you, I'm infested and haven't really got a choice if I continue or not so just need to find a way to make the process easier. I've already switched to disposable bags to reduce the clean up.