Good Morning, I never joined this forum but purchased many items based on messages that I found online via a google search. I had great success with the candida and fungus fighters along with zinc and a good prebiotic/probiotic. The problem is that if I skipped it one day, the odor issue returned with a vengeance. I also have a prescription for Linzess since I suffer with chronic constipation. I had fecal
Body Odor and leaky gas. I also had very bad smelling menstrual cycles. MY LIFE HAS CHANGED. I had a
colonic done (colon hyrotherapy) and I swear that I believe I passed at least 50 chunks of poop. So far I've had it done twice but the second time hardly anything came out. Anyway, I've only had a smell twice since getting the
colonic and the smell went away after having a bowel movement. I still suffer with constipation (I take iron for anemia) but it even changed my menstrual odor. I also had very strong urine, I do take Nitrofurantoin 50 mg daily for that, but it helped with that smell along with helping with urine leakage. PLEASE TRY A COLONIC. It has trumped every pill or item I've ever purchased. I've tried everything from baking soda to body mints.