Hello. You may or may not remember me but I recently broke up with my girlfriend. And It wasn't a normal break up. She went to college and broke up with me as soon as she started classes then we decided to try again and she just didn't seem interested in me anymore and ignored me and just blew me off. And so I just rolled with it cause I loved her so much. And recently I just decided I had enough of her. There are reasons other than the fact that she ignored me and I will explain them right now. Ever since we started dating she's had a habit of just complaining about friends and family and practically everything and I would just listen to her and it would sometimes go on for hours. And I would listen listen listen! Always every time I was always there for her whenever she was upset. But whenever I was upset or I wanted to complain she would ignore me and give me one word responses even in person, but I just kind of shrugged it off cause I was blindly in love with her. Another reason is she constantly lied to me and hid small things from me. And I realized how dumb I was being and decided to just end it. i told her a week before that I was saving money to buy her a gift a new 3DS. And while I'm breaking up with her she still gives me one word answers and I don't know why I though she'd care if she didn't care before. But I tell her to just leave me alone I had nice memories and all that stuff. And an hour later I get a text from her saying "what were you going to get me" and I kept ignoring her and she kept asking me over and over and I finally told her to PLEASE leave me alone. Then she started saying " admit it you Liked p 0 r n more than me" which was not true at all and then she kept asking me if she was hotter than my female friends and we argued and I decided to call her on the phone. And we're talking on the phone and she says the nastiest things to me. So rude that I start crying and she is just giggling and saying "what's wrong?! Did I hurt your feelings?!" And just acting like what she's saying doesn't cut holes in me. And finally I just hang up and she texts me that she's sorry and that I shouldn't never be treated this way again and that she hopes we can still be friends and that she even loves me still! And I just hung out with friends to cope but nothing I do works. Playing games, watching movies, going for walks, NOTHING and I still cry and I still miss her and I don't know why. Why do I miss someone who was so Inconsiderate and selfish and mean? The other night I woke up crying and breathing heavily because I had a dream of my most precious memory of her and I just hate that I miss her. But I hate that I hate missing her cause it makes me feel like the jerk. And I also can't get sexually aroused without thinking of her and it kills me. Any help would be appreciated